Chapter 10

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All the memories, the pain, everything starts to comeback. I started to feel dizzy.

Soobin looks at me worried

Soobin: noona? You okay?

Y/n: I'm gonna be excuse

I left the room

I left and head outside where there was a beautiful garden. I took a deep breath and let the air out.

Y/n: I never thought I'll see them again

Tears started to appear but I quickly wiped it

Y/n: no Y/n you can't cry because of them. Your better now, they don't recognize you at all. You've change into a better person.

Then Jimin pop in my head

Y/n: Jimin....

Tears started to appear again.

???: Areum?

I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and there he was. Park Jimin

Y/n: o-oh, it's you, Jimin right?

He nod

Jimin: Areum or should I say Y/n

My eyes widen

Y/n: Y-Y/n? Who Y/n? My name is Areum-

Jimin: don't try to lie, I know it's you. Even if you change your name that doesn't hide that fact that your Y/n.

Y/n: fine, you right....

I looked away from him.

Y/n: what do u want?

Jimin: Y/n we need to talk of what happened

Y/n: Talk? Talk about what happened in high school?

He nod

Y/n: Jimin I don't wanna talk of what's in the past now. I remove that form my memory but you brought it back. I don't want to remember the pain. I want to keep on moving from it.

Jimin: I'm sorry.... please forgive me, forgive us

Y/n: i trusted you guys.... but you all kept it away from me... even my own brother.... I thought we were family

Jimin: let just talk-

Y/n: I don't want to talk to u Jimin... I don't want to feel pain whenever I'm around you...I just wanna feel free

Jimin: y/n....

I look at him

Y/n: leave me alone if u really love me

Jimin: y/-

Y/n: bye Jimin

I walked passed him as he just stood there. My tears falls as I walked away in pain.


I figure that the other guys know that I'm Y/n. I mean it was obvious plus I figure Jimin told them.

They all try to talk to me but I ignore them. All I had was Soobin to talk to but he got put in a group called TxT so he busy with his group. But I got to know them and I'm great friends with them

Here again alone. I wished I could talk to them but I'm afraid that I'll get hurt.

Im sitting down writing music for my album. I saw a shadow and I looked up, I saw Jungkook

Y/n: sorry I got to go

I got up and left but Jungkook grab my hand.

Jungkook: don't run away from me Y/n. You can't always run away. I need to talk to u

Y/n: there nothing to talk about

I looked away

Jungkook: I'm your brother and will always be your brother. No matter what you can leave me

Y/n: what is it you wanna talk to me about? Make it quick

Jungkook: I'm sorry okay, I know I should've told u earlier but I didn't want u to get hurt

Y/n: either way I was gonna get hurt

Jungkook: I didn't mean for u to have so much pain... I'm very sorry.. please forgive me

Y/n: how can I when I was betrayed by the people I can trust and care about.

He started to cry

Jungkook; please just forgive me... i regret each day, I cried so much when I found out you left Korea. I tried liking for u each day and wait and hopefully you'll come back. I didn't mean for all of this to happen... I thought-

Y/n: you thought I would just forgive Jimin for cheating on me like that? You thought that I'll come back after that you guys did. I mean I did come back but I didn't want to come back to you guys. Jungkook I love you still but the pain you guys cause me I don't know if I can ever forgive you guys... I cried each night and wonder should I go back but I didn't because I knew that the same thing gonna happen to me. As the years pass I slowly healed, but then this and all the pain came back... I just want to live a normal like... I just need time to be by myself

I left like that.

I got to my room. I sigh and try to focus on my music but it's too hard since I came to Korea.

Y/n: ugh!!!!

I screamed into my pillow. I look out from my window just watch the stars.

Y/n: ....Jimin....

I couldn't get Jimin out of my head ever since I saw him. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Jimin in a few days.
Has he been avoiding me or I've been not paying attention. I walk out of my room to go walk around.

All I could think was Jimin. I couldn't get him off of my head at all. I can tell his body structure has change. Ugh!!!

I was too busy in my thoughts that I bump into someone.

Y/n: Whoa!


My eyes was closed. I slowly open my eyes and there he was! Jimin! I was on top of him. My face turns bright red. I got up quickly but Jimin grabs my hand and bring me back down.

Y/n: j-Jimin

I smell something that didn't smell good

Jimin: y/n...

I smell the beer. Was he drunk?

Y/n: j-Jimin I got to go

I try to get up but he didn't let go. I sigh

Y/n: let go to my dorm and we can talk....

He smiled. I got up and he did also and I help him to my dorm.

We got in and I sat him down and went to go grab him a drink of water. I gave it to him.

Y/n; Jimin..

Jimin: yes?

Y/n: why were you drinking?

Jimin: I didn't drink that much just some shots

Y/n: yea okay

Jimin: you don't rlly have to talk I'll just go home-

He got up but I grab his arm. He looked at me

Y/n: no, not in the condition you in. Just stay here for the night.

Jimin; oh okay

Y/n: imma go take a shower and you can just wait here. Umm you can watch Tv

He nodded and I left to go take a shower.

Few minutes later I came back. I see him fast asleep on the couch. I walk close to him and see his cute sleeping face. I didn't realize I was smiling.

Y/n: Jimin why do u make me feel this way...

I caresses his cheeks and sigh

Y/n: I love you a Jimin

I kissed his forehead and went to my room and fall asleep.


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