Chapter Two

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The day of the Magic Knight Entrance Exam has finally come. I've been training for months for this.

Being that I'm the oldest in my family, I was in charge of watching my younger siblings while my parents ran their shop. But now that my siblings are 12 and 14, my family finally decided that I could leave the family store and go take the exam.

After saying my goodbyes to my family, I leave our house and begin the journey to the arena.

As I'm walking, my mind begins to wander, thinking about the various things that will happen the next few days.

"I wonder what that Asta kid has been doing. He said he's been training everyday, I bet he got strong. Wonder what type of magic he has?" I think aloud as I continue to walk.


The scenery around me changes as I make my way closer to the noble region, and closer to the Royal Capital.

Not far in the distance, I hear faint chanting.

"I wonder if that's for the magic knights entrance exam?" As I get closer to the city, the chanting and cheering becomes louder and I can hear music playing.

Finally, I can see the arena where the exam will take place.

Making my way through the city, I approach the arena.

The people along the streets continue to chant and cheer. "Oh how I cant wait to see all of the new magic knights!" One woman exclaimed. "Me neither! I know everyone is going to do so well!" A man responded to her.

"I see some of the locals are excited about the exam. Even though these people are complete strangers, it's nice to have some support." I think to myself.

Upon entering the arena, I can see hundreds of people waiting. Looks like a whole lot of competition.

I turn my head to take in the amount of people and see a familiar face.

"Hey Yuno, how come there are no birds on you?" Asta calls out.

"Those anti-birds really do seem to like that kid" one guy next to me says.

"Yeah, the amount of birds around you show how much magic you have. More magic, less birds." Another guy says.

"Look how bad his grimoire is. And look! That kid he was talking to doesn't even have any birds around him." The first guy points out.

"Check out his grimoire. Its got a 4 leaf clover. Wow, a commoner with a rare grimoire. Wonder what that's all about?" The second guy says to him.

Interesting. Asta has a old beat up grimoire and is covered in anti-birds, and his friend has a rare 4 leaf clover grimoire and has no birds around him at all. He must be really powerful. I bet he's the guy Asta was talking about as his rival.

"Hey Asta!" I call out.

"Oh hey Kioni! Long time no see! How've you been?" Asta asks.

"I've been good, training hard every day. How about you?" I look at him and see his muscles have gotten bigger and he looks likes he's maybe grown and inch taller.

"Same here. You excited about the exam? Ow! Hey could you guys cut that out?!" He asked as an anti-bird pecked his face.

"Hahaha, I sure am! Hope ya do good. I'll see you out there!" I respond, laughing at the birds pecking him.

Turning around I take a look at the balcony where the squad captains will be.

After waiting for another few minutes, the Magic Knight Squad Captains make their way to the balcony.

Limits - Yami Sukehiro x OCWhere stories live. Discover now