Chapter Four

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After all of the events from yesterday, I am completely worn out. Both my physical strength and my mana levels are extremely low, drained from the day of intense physical activity. I had trained for a year before the magic knights exam, but I was my mana and strength to wear out that fast.

Waking up to the sound of people yelling and things banging into each other, I groan as I sit up in bed. As I look around the room, I notice there's nothing really special about it.

To my left behind the door, there's a large wardrobe and next to it, a matching dresser.

After looking around the room, I get up out of bed and head to the hallway.

Once I get downstairs I figure out where all the sound was coming from. Asta is running around the room chasing Luck who is flying through the air.

"Why good morning sleepyhead." I look over and see Magna laying down on the sofa.

"Good morning Magna" I yawn as I sit down on the other couch.

"Soooo... what'd ya think about your first night at the fabulous Black Bulls hideout?" Magna asks, a ball of lighting flies in his direction and lands on the back of the couch, "Hey could you knock it off?! It's too early for all of that crap!" Magna yells at the two boys.

"Awe come on Magna! We're having fun!" Luck yells back as the launches off of the wall towards Asta.

Out of nowhere, Captain Yami appears from the hallway. "Well then take it outside!" He yells at Luck, "Magna's right, it's way to early for all of that. You woke me up 3 hours earlier than I usually get up. So go!" He points at the door and sends Asta and Luck outside.

"And anyways, you should probably save some of your energy because we have a mission today!" He slams the door shut and turns around. "Ugh, Luck is always so loud in the morning. And now with that Asta twerp, they're both gonna be keeping me awake." He mumbles as he walks to sit on the other end of the couch I'm on.

"Oh, to answer your question Magna. It wasn't so bad. I got lost in the halls last night but other than that it was fine." I tell Magna. "And honestly, how loud it always is in here reminds me of being home with my two younger siblings."

"Oh yeah, you're from the commoners region like Asta. Huh, we have 2 new commoners and a royal." He looks over at Yami, " Interesting choices Cap."

"Yeah whatever." He groans as he slouches further into the couch, putting a cigarette to his lips and lighting it.

I look over at Yami and take in his features. Dark brunette hair, tanned skin, an extremely muscular build. At first glance, he's extremely intimidating. Even in his relaxed state right now, the levels of mana radiating off of him are incredible. He must have some serious magical capabilities.

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer" Yami snaps and I realize he caught me staring, I didn't even notice I was staring.

"Oh, uh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He bursts out lauging as a fumble, trying to hide my embarrassment.

He continues to laugh as I get up and make my way towards my room.

"Oh my gosh, that was so embarrassing. Why was I staring? I can't believe he caught me staring at him." I groan as I trudge up the stairs.

Suddenly a purple glow fills the hallway and I'm pushed against the wall.

"What's wrong Kioni? Get too embarrassed because I caught you gawking at me?" Yami leans down and whispers into my ear.

"Um, no. I just remembered that I left something in my room." I lie, hoping he doesn't see right through it.

"Oh yeah? Well what was so important that you left the room so quickly for?" He says, with his cheek pressed against mine as he talks.

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