Chapter 2

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After we walked out of the mall and to the car Jax turned to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
That snapped me out of my daze. "Yah, why?"
"I don't know, you're just acting weird." He said.
"Sorry, I think I'm just tired." I lied.
"Oh, okay. I guess I should get you home then."
I nodded my head.

The rest of the drive was silent. I don't understand why I feel this way all of the sudden. I mean he's the same Jax as always. It's just now you can see his face and I like what's I see. No! Shhh, bad Sabrina. Don't think like that he's your friend. Ugh, I'm giving myself a headache. I sigh and lean back in my seat.

We pulled into the driveway of my house. My parents weren't home. I hate staying home alone. Maybe Jax can stay. I look to him about to ask but he speaks first.

"You want me to stay with you?" He asked.
"If you can." I nod.
"Yah, just let me text my mom when we go inside."

We get out and walk into the house. I walk straight to the kitchen as Jax texts his mom.
I get a glass of water and a bag of Doritos. I was about to Leave when I noticed a note on the fridge.

Sorry honey but we had to leave. Your great aunt Belinda
had a fall down some steps. She broke her hip so we're staying with
her for a few days till she gets a nurse. I know how much you
hate being home alone, maybe see if Jaxon wants to stay.
Love you honey. See you when we get back.


I hope aunt Linda is okay. Well I guess I'll see if Jax wants to spend a few days. Oh crap, first day of senior year is tomorrow. I almost forgot. I get my chips and walk into the living room. Jax is on the couch watch a movie, looks like silence of the lambs. I go and sit beside him.

"My parents are going to be gone for a few days. Want to stay over?"
"Yah, I'll call my mom tomorrow."

I lean back and watch the movie. At some point I must had dozed off cause I woke up with my head on Jax's shoulder and credits were playing. When I woke up Jax turned to me and smiled.

"I think you need to get some sleep."
I nodded in agreement, to tired to talk.

I walk up the stairs to my room and change into pjs and brush my teeth. When I come out of the bathroom Jax is sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand. That's not what surprised me he was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt. He has abs? Since when? I noticed I was staring and dropped me gaze to the floor.

Jax laughed. "Are you okay S?"
"Uhuh." I nodded my head, still not looking at him.
"You sure?"
"Uhuh, I'm fine."

I walk to the bed and get under the covers. Jax puts on a movie and I feel my eyes starting to get tired. I lean back into my pillow and fall into a deep sleep.

I woke up cause someone was shaking me. I groaned and turned away. I heard someone laugh.

"Come on Sabrina, get up!" He said loudly.
"Go away Jaxon, it's too early."
"Come on, I need your help. Today's the first day of school."

That woke me up. I got up and got my clothes and went to the bathroom to get ready. I showered, dried my hair and curled it. Put on a little makeup and got dressed (outfit at the top). I went back to my bed room. Jax was sitting on my bed with the clothes I picked out looking completely lost.

"What are you having trouble with?"
"Everything, What goes with what, how does this stuff go in my hair and why did I ever agree to this?" He asked.
"Okay for one I go you all neutral stuff so it all goes together, the hair stuff you put a little on your hand and style your hair and you hate homework that's why."

I walk to the clothes and throw black converse at him along with a plain white tee and black ripped skinny jeans. "Here, now go change."

He started to take his sweatpants off. I blushed and covered my eyes and turned away.

"I didn't mean here." I whined.
He laughed and said, "Why you've seen me change before and in swim shorts it's no different."
"I don't know, it's just weird." I say still turned away from him.
He laughed at my reaction.
"Are you done yet?"

I turned and gasped a little, I don't think anyone made such a simple outfit look so good.

"Good. Okay now the hair."
I walk up to him put a little bit of the hair stuff on my hand and rub it between my hands. He stares at me. I get on my tiptoes and run my hand through his hair. He closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling. I make it a little messy but not too much. I pull back to look at my work.

"Perfect." I whisper.

I grabbed the leather jacket and hand it to him he puts it on and goes to look in the mirror. I walk to the chair in the corner of the room and grab my jean jacket and put it on. I was getting my phone and backpack when Jax comes out looking surprised.

"I look completely different, can't even tell it's me."
"Is that good or bad." I say.
"I kinda like it." He laughed.
"Okay, well are you ready to go."
"Yah, lets get this over with so you can do my homework."

"Sure like that's going to happen when you look like that." I muttered.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said innocently.
"Sure." He replied sarcastically.

We got into the car and he started to drive. When we got to the school I couldn't believe people's reactions. I mean he looked good but jeez.



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