Chapter 10: The Open Relationship

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"He's going to give me something I've always wanted to know for the past 100 years, a secret that he keeps only in his mind."Katherine says

"What would that be?" Elenas voice trails off into a nervous tone. "if he truly loved me" Katherine brags.

Elena opened her mouth and then suddenly closed it, she bit her lip and bit into it harder and harder, I could see she was trying to hold back tears

"oh don't cry you little baby, I said loved not love. It's a pass tense. I'm sure that you have stefan all wrapped up in your little fingers, he's loyal, he would betray you like that" Katherine says.Elena slightly smiles.

'I love YOU' I mouth to Elena as Katherine doesn't look.

' I love you too' Elena mouths back

"Stefan, say it" Katherine demands ,"Spill it" she says. "I don't know why you want the truth so bad, but you cured Elena so I'll go ahead and say it. Yes, Katherine. You know my love for you was real even through the compulsion, I loved you".

Katherine, shocked, opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. She smiles and looks at Elena, she puts her finger on her mouth then walks away. No words spoken. When she gets far enough I hug Elena.

"I still love you, I will always only love you" I say, "I will you too, stefan, no sire bond or bitchy 500 year old vampires gonna change that" Elena replies. I kiss her forehead .

We start walking towards Rebekah's tent. We go inside. "Hey bekah, you good now?" I ask.  She nods her head. "I'm not usually a type of person that Would say this too often, but thank you, Bonnie" Rebekah says as she looks to Bonnie. "You're welcome?" Bonnie sounds confused but then suddenly smiles . I smile out then walk away.

"Stefan" Elena says, as she runs up to me to catch up ,"Yeah?" I say

"I don't need the cure, sired or not I will still love you, and as a vampire, I can protect myself." Elena says

I'm surprised. I wondered why she would make such a decision so quickly, considering the fact that she was petrified at the idea of being a vampire.

"I was thinking of letting Rebekah take the cure, since apparently there's only enough for one" Elena says.

I don't notice at first but then I clearly see her, rebekah behind Elena. "Really? Thank you Elena! you won't regret you choice! I promise ! I'll get my brothers to leave you alone, I will! Rebekah runs to Elena. "I'm sorry for killing you Elena. Thank You" Rebekah cheers. Rebekah wraps her arms around Elena. Elena slowly puts her arms awkwardly around rebekah.

"Let's find this cure" Elena says .Rebekah grins, inhaled, and bites her lips right after, then she stares up.

[writers note]

hey guys so I think I'll end the daroline storyline for now. No one has said anything bad about it but I think it's kind of off topic, idk opinions? I could use them :). Also I'm sorry for this boring chapter, I rushed it. I'll work harder on the next one I promise..

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