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Through out the day I managed to avoid Harry, he never seemed like he wanted to talk to me either, so we just acted as if the other didn't exist. It was kind of weird, for years I've had him constantly flirting and right next to me wherever I went, and now, it just doesn't feel normal, to not have him there. 'I kind of liked the attention....' my fists tightened in anger at my thoughts, as I walked off to my last class which it just so happens, I have class with him.

As Dr.F rambles on about the book on evil deeds and misfortune, as I start to doze off I feel someone kick the back of my chair. Me, already knowing that it was Harry decided to ignore it, but once he started doing it multiple times I turned around and glared at him as he held out a folded up piece of paper. I raised a brow at him but took it anyway, when I turned around Jay leaned over and said"You know if he catches you opening that he's gonna-" I cut him off"I know, I know, I'm going to look at it after" I put the folded paper in my pocket as a smirk graced his lips"so what's going on with you and-" he got cut off by Dr.F "Jay!" Jay now looked forward"Y-Yes, Sir?" He narrowed his eyes at Jay"Would you care to get a detention? Or will you shut the hell up so I can do my job?" Jay didn't answer as Dr.F chuckled"That's what I thought" and he continued to talk about the book.

After class I stood at my locker as I pulled the note out of my pocket and read it.

Meet me at the old potions shop at 8

I rolled my eyes a bit, but nonetheless was willing to go 'what the hell does this dipshit want now? He's so cocky, it's annoying, if he even thinks I'm going to go, he's wrong' I sighed and leaned against my locker waiting for Carlos to get out of class. I shoved the note back in my pocket as I gripped it tight 'still tho, it couldn't hurt to see what he has to say... can it?...' "Hey (Y/n)" I jumped, slightly startled as I glared at Carlos a bit"Hey" I responded with as I pushed myself off of the lockers as he said"If you could help me set up the party that'd be great, just see if you can get out of work early. I can get the food and stuff but-" I shook my head and cut him off"yah.... about that" I looked at my feet as we continued to walk out of school"I actually have plans" Carlos raised a brow as I looked over at him"Since when does (Y/n), have plans other than going to a party?" I shrugged in response and looked back in front of me"I just do. Besides, I'm not really in the party mood, you can survive one night without me" I heard him sigh as he mumbled"I guess.." The rest of the walk was silent, when I got to the bar we said our goodbyes as I walked inside, as I prepared myself for a hell filled night of bar tending and singing.

8 o'clock came by slowly, I was able to get out of there somehow, as I made my way down the street to the old potions shop.

I came to a stop as an outline of a pirate could be made leaning against the wall, underneath the sign of Pain and Panic's Potions shop. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets, as I walked over I noticed him pick his head up, his face not being able to be seen from the dark atmosphere. "I thought you wouldn't come.." his voice sounded different, distant, almost. I nodded my head as my voice came out a bit shaky "yah, I did too..." I didn't mean for it to be so shaky, it's almost like I was nervous. 'I shouldn't have come. The party was the safest option, yet I blew my best friend off. For what? Some arrogant pirate? What am I even doing here...?' Harry cleared his throat as he pushed himself off of the wall "well, come on" he then walked down the back alleyway as I followed cautiously behind him. He lowered a ladder that connected to a balcony, he started to climb up the ladder, when he suddenly stopped and looked back at me "What are you waiting for?" I raised a brow"You could've just brought me here to rape me. You never know with people like you" his usual smirk faltered for a second, but got replaced with scowl as he asked"What? Don't trust a pirate?" A smirk tugged on my lips a bit at his anger"your right I don't" he sighed and looked off to the side before giving me a pleading look, holding out his hand as if begging for me to take it"Can't you at least give me a chance?" I hesitated, as I looked from his face to his hand, weighing out my options. I sighed and grabbed his hand while rolling my eyes. He pulled me up as we climbed up the ladder and onto a balcony, only to go up a set of stairs to reach the roof. There was a blanket that laid on the ground along with some candles here and there, some plates of food sat on the blanket along with two bottles of water. "Wow" was all I could say, as I stared at the makeshift picnic "it was the best I could do.." he responded with while grabbing my hand firmly and pulling me over to it. I raised a brow in confusion and slowly sat down, as he sat across from me.  I looked off into the distance, only to see the glowing lights of Auradon. I narrowed my eyes in anger, "One day we're going to be the ones over there ya know" I looked over at him and scoffed, I didn't say anything as I turned around and looked at the food in front of me. "Look if I'm eating it it's obvious not poisonous, besides I need the A so why would I try to kill my partner?" I felt my heart clench a bit at those words, but I still stayed silent as I rolled my eyes and started to eat. "Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?"  I shrugged and took a sip of water. "Can you at least talk to me?" I looked up at him only to find a desperate look on his face, as if he was begging for me to talk to him. "Why should I? I didnt want to come in the first place." He looked away and mumbled "but you did..."

It was silent the rest of the time we ate, once we were done eating we just sat there not really saying anying. I stared out at Auradon watching all the lights shine as a sigh escaped my lips, as I glared at the island in front of me "you know I'm not everything they say I am..." I raised a brow as I looked over at him, only to see him looking out at Auradon with a look that was hard to read "...They say that I'm just out for sex, that I'll just take advantage of girls.." I was about to respond when he cut me off " and don't try to cover it up, I hear what people say, I'm not def.." I just waited as he now stared at his boots, with his knees to his chest "they don't know a thing about me. Yet there saying things like they know everything about me. But that's the kind of world we were born into, so it's something I've dealt with almost my whole life." I watched as he bit his lip, sentence by sentence, he opened up to me more and more, I could feel my heart racing inside my chest. "But the truth is, I'm not like that. I only act that way because that's how everyone sees me. As some hot, jerk who's only in it for sex." He stopped and looked over at me, I didn't know what to do as he asked"You don't believe them.... do you?" It all happened so slow, he asked the question and I froze up, my heart beating a mile a minute as his hand rose up to brush a stray piece of hair behind my ear only to leave his hand on my cheek. His face came closer to mine, I watched as he closed his eyes, I did the same as I suddenly felt like I had no control over my body, I started leaning in without thinking. Once out lips met, it was like and explosion going off inside of me, as I reached up to play with his hair, his hand pulled my waist closer to his as his hook arm wrapped around me, refusing to let go. Eventually it came to an end as we both pulled away for air, I looked at the state he was in, his hair a mess and out of breath, I felt heat rise to my cheeks as my heart raced inside my chest. He let go of me a bit 'shit, I'm in trouble' I thought as I shook my head and scooted away from him while standing up. He raised a brow and stood up as I shook my head while staring at the ground"you win." I mumbled as he walked a bit closer trying to hear"Pardon, love?" I felt my chest clench in hurt as I now stared at the ground while hugging my sides"I said, you win. You got your stupid A fuck face. Now stop fucking with me." With that I turned around and climbed back down the way we came, ignoring the voice and steps behind me, which eventually faded into silence as I made my way back to the bar, filled with anger sadness and stupidity.

(Keep in mind that last word isn't directed towards anyone it's just the reader feels stupid for actually catching feelings for him, don't want anyone taking it the wrong way😂)

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