FridayThe week passed by pretty quickly, Jade and I went shopping Tuesday afternoon for the party tonight.
It's the first Friday of the school year and every first Friday, someone plans a party for the older children.
You'll find a few seventeen year olds in attendance but the majority is eighteen and nighteen.
Booze is always present so without a doubt Andrew will be in attendance. I practically dragged Ayden out of his room to come with me and well Jade is Jade, she doesn't need an excuse to let loose and enjoy herself.
I pick out my outfit. Jeans and a sweatshirt. Walking out of the bathroom after my shower with my outfit on, Jade looks at me like my eyebrows are non existent.
"What are you wearing sis?" She asked
"My party pack" I smiled completely satisfied with my choice
"What why? I think I look pretty cool if you ask me" I said
"Yea cool if you're gonna lay at home all day eating ice cream. You have an AMAZING body, show it off for just tonight. Please?"
"What? I'm serious! You know what, you look cute in anything and you can rock anything so if you don't feel like changing, it's up to you, I won't push you."
"Thank you" I smiled satisfied with myself once again
Silence filled the room for a few minutes until Jade spoke up again
"OKAY I'm sorry I was trying to be nice so you'd change on your own BUT THIS OUTFIT has GOTTA go. Stat. Out the door. Fling it off. Burn it." Jade pleaded
I groaned "Fine. Then what would you have me wear?" I asked
"Maybe keep the jeans. Your ass does look nice in it, however lose the sweatshirt, I'm sure I'll find something"
Taking off the sweatshirt I sigh. I walkover to the mirror to put my diamond studs in my ear and my white gold pendant that passed down from my ancestors.
"Aha got em."
"DEEZ NUTS" Andrew shouted as he walked through the door.
My hands fly up to my chest to block myself "ANDREW"
"Oh shit"
"I didn't know. Sorry sorry." He said
"KNOCK NEXT TIME" I replied as the door slammed shut.
"I hate him." I said
Jade giggled. "What do you think about this?" She pulls out a black bodysuit with a thin strap. Below the breast area is sheer giving the ability to see the skin and. It's cute and simple with a little pop.
"It's cute" I said
She throws it at me and I put it on. I put on sushi ankle socks and I slide on my Nike Air Force 1s 07 (THE LOWS). I take out my hair, pass a little mascara on my eyelashes and I look at myself in the mirror.
"Wow" we say in unison. I hug my waist where the body suit reveals due to the sheer out of insecurity. Jade removes my hand "you look beautiful. You always do. Don't hide yourself. Remember this isn't for anyone, not one guy until you decide you want it to be for him. This is for YOU and you alone. Don't let anyone take advantage of you because you're special and any guy that gets you one day will just be so lucky to have won by chance" she says as we both look into the mirror. A sincere look on her face and a sad but appreciative smile on mine.

RomanceAlice Potter lives anything but a normal life , being the daughter of the headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . Having a title as daughter of Headmistress is one thing but being the great granddaughter of spectacular wizard Ha...