Chapter 8: House of Lauron 2

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Zepsaiya was holding a dead body while his companion was minced into pieces. The body belongs to his other comrade with a dark blue wings. Zepsayia was pissed so he decided to kill his comrades and use his power and when he uses his power, he dont want anyone watching him except for his victims.

"you know what, Dev? Im Glad you came here instead of Zt. If he was the one here I wont be having fun. Coz Kal said no one should touch Zt... She will kill him herself"

Zep took off his coat to show the tattoo on his body. It was a black tattoo similar to Killer's but has different design. "Oh you might be thinking whats with my tattoo", Zep said feeling the gaze of Dev on his tattoo.

"I'll tell you something, since you two will end up like Killer" Zep said with confidence that he can outmatch the two.

"this tattoo was from an ancient Clan called Noiverre . The tattoo is called Dark Seal . It is said that the Noiverres can write demon language in form of tattoos. This tattoo allows the host to manifest an incredible power based on the tattoo. But it will only activate by a sudden burst of emotions, and once activated, it will manifest your body and will try to control you. Without a strong mind you wont be able to fight the tattoo. It will be gamble either you control Dark Seal or the Dark Seal controls you. The said clan has been slaughtered by the major clans and the last successor of the slaughtered tribe was Kal. Her tribe sealed her in a secret chamber and put her into a deep sleep. They gave her protection and chanted a powerful spell that will wake her up when each of the major clans has only one successor . And so Kal has been awoken 5 years ago. She managed to build an army to kill the last successors of the 5 Major Clans. And here's the catch. Rini is one of the last successor.", Zep explained without an intent of deceiving on his face.

Dev was shocked about what he just heard. Rini will be targeted by DA. Zt should know this. But the thing is... How can he pass through Zep? And his mission is to take Killer back. He had to decide fast before Zep starts to attack.

"aaaah okai you have heard enough so enough with the talk. Lets get this started. I hope you remember this Dev"

Zep moves in a flash and tried to cut Gegen but he managed to dodge. "One", Zep counted.

Zep attacked again but now Gegen did not dodge it but instead he stopped it with a piece of the broken blade he just bit into pieces.


Every slash Zep made he counts which also drives Gegen into his knees. He is buying time for Dev to get Killer to a safe place. He managed to untie Killer and he dashed to the exit to hide Killer and help Gegen.

"Six" , Zep said with a disturbing smile written on his face.

Dev knows about this technique. Every slash will make the next stronger and the eleventh slash will be a very powerful attack that can be used to cut even mountains into bits.


Every count makes it harder for Gegen to block his attacks not to mention Gegen is only using a broken sword to defend himself. He is also handcuffed still even tho his other hand is missing.


He grabbed the handle of the sword to block Zep's incoming attack while Dev is successful to get Killer out of the outpost and he was shocked to see Asta and Aza still outside waiting for them. Not only that, Asta is holding his swords forming a cross i front of him. While Aza has a glowing red orb in the tip of his arrow charged in his bow. It seems theyre about to release something. But whatever it is, hes thankful that they did not run and left them.


The sword handle was broken. Now without anything to block Zep's attack, Gegen let out a sigh. "Aaaah damn! Do we really have to do this?" . Zep let out a slash but Gegen parried it with his handcuffs.


The handcuffs are broken. Gegen who has been calm since earlier began to panic. He lets out a scream. He began to act weirdly. His handcuffs were broken but it was not just his hand that became free. Seeing Gegen's panicking, Zepsaiya smiled and thought that he likes the realization of death in Gegen's face.

"Haha I like your reaction" Zep laughed. " by the way my next attack will be the last thing you will see after that you will either go to heaven or hell who knows. Okai bye bye" He added to a panicking Gegen who is on his knees muttering something.

Zep let out a shout before giving his last blow to Gegen, "GANRYOU TENSEI!"

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