Chapter 10: The Demon Trio

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Once upon a time, there is a clan named Pi do. They live in the mountains of Mithurna. Pidos are very kind to people despite they came from hell. These tribe was known for their kindness because they showed that race does not define who you are. Pidos never leave their place and because they live in the mountains, only adventurers who climb their territories has the chance to socialize with them.

One day, A young Pido walked down to the feet of the mountains. He is very clumpsy yet cheerful. He brought a bag full of candies made by his father for the children there. He wants to befriend every child in his age so he thought that giving candies would be a nice start of a friendship. But the world is harsher than he thought...

"Um.. Hello", Gegen said to a girl with a black tattoo on her left arm. She is pretty and smaller than Gegen.  "Do you want some candies? I have a lots ^^ I can give you some if you want!" Gegen said with cheerful voice. But the girl looked at him with a disgusting look and said,

"Arent you a Pido? Yuck why are you here? Please dont bother us", and then she walked away.

Gegen was about to burst in tears. It was the first time someone said something bad to him. But he insisted. He thought that maybe the girl was just kidding so he wait till the girl said "just kidding" . He wiped his tears, wears a smile and waits. He was just standing there smiling to the girl while offering a candy as a sign of friendship. The girl seems pissed off because of Gegen's smile. She get something from her pocket. " Well if youre giving something to me, I should give something too" the girl said with a fake smile on her face.

It was a dagger.

She is about to slit Gegen's throat. "Thank you for the candy" said by the girl. Gegen was happy but sad at the same time, the girl did not said it was a joke so he kneeled and get his backpack full of candies and open it on the ground. "aah you must like this one. This one is my favorite, my papa call this lolipop. He said I should give this to someone cute. So you can have it" ,said by the little Gegen with a smile.

" no thanks", the girl said with a sarcastic voice. "But this lolipop is very sweet. Its flavor is strawber-

Before Gegen finish his sentence, the girl pull out her dagger and aimed it to Gegen's throat without having a second thought. Gegen is still looking for the candy and he has not noticed the danger in front of him.


A guy on his teen showed up and stopped the girl from putting the dagger in Gegen's neck. It was a shirtless guy with white wings. He is just smiling when the girl looked to him. The teen waved his pointy finger telling the girl not to do that. The teen is too big and well-built despite of his age. The girl knew she cant beat this so she just shake his hand off from her and took the dagger inside her pocket.

" Ah here it is! The lolipop!" Gegen said with smile on his face. But he got scared when he noticed that theres a guy behind him. But the guy smiled so he just smiled back. "Thanks" , the girl said before snatching the lolipop out of Gegen's hand and walk away.

" Wait I didnt got your name!" Gegen cried to the girl"

The girl continued walking but he looked back and whispered "Kal". And she disappears from the shadows of the trees.

" are you hurt little guy?" the teen asked to Gegen whos still scared of the teen in front of him. Even tho Gegen is still a child, he is just the same height of the teen when he stood up.

"w-woah youre so tall!", the teen said to Gegen. "by the way are you friends with that girl?" he asked.

Gegen nodded. "well I suggest that you befriend me instead, what do you think?" The teen asked Gegen. He knew that the girl was dangerous. He knew that the girl has murderous intent if he was late any second, Gegen should have been dead.

Gegen cried. He was too happy that he made a friend that is not in the Pido Clan. He nodded and smiled. The teen walked him home up in the mountains. Gegen said his goodbyes to his new friend. The teen walked away but not to leave their village, but he is heading to the village chief's office.

"oh dang! I forgot to ask Mr. Wings name!" Gegen said after he got home. " Oh well, im sure we will see each other again" He said with  an innocent voice and confident that he will see the guy who just saved his life.


The teen walked to the Pido's chief's office. The guards bowed down to him like hes someone of a royalty. And when he opened the door to the room separating him and the clan chief, he was greeted.

"Ah what can I do for you... Young Master of the Flugel Clan" the chief said with a worried tone. He knew that the Flugel's head wont come to him if its not important.

"I want to form an alliance with you to exterminate a certain clan" the young man said.

The chief of Pido replied with a question, "Um can I ask why, your highness?"

"er... Thats why im here im gonna discuss it with you. Also can you stop with the formality... " the teen humbly asked.

"Just call me Muskrat", he added.

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