" When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life."- unknown.
• This is a #TaeTeefanfic
• I'm just gonna edit the conversations, so don't worry, okay? Thanks! :)
A/N: sorry guys!!!! Haha I know that it's taking so long na and i've mentioned before that I will only publish the rest of the story during weekend.. but...
It seems , the only thing that I've been doing during weekends are, logging in to my account then log out and sleep.. the whole effing day haha! Gomen gomen!! Alright, let's continue it na ! Mwah!
[ 20 ]
Tae's PoV:
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The moment that I've been waiting for is here..
Well, if you will ask me if I'm ready to face him?
The answer is.. No? Maybe? I don't know. Sigh!
I still can't forgive him for what he did but, I don't want to lie to my self any longer..
I missed him so badly and I can't wait to hold him in my arms again.
"Good afternoon sir.."
"Hi! I have a reservation under Mr. Kreepolrerk.."
"Oh, Mr. Darvid? Please this way sir.."
"Thank you." Then the waitress leads me to a private room which is, well, good enough to hide someone's insecurity..
Well, This is how powerful their family huh?! The influence that they have is beyond my expectations.
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If they can reserve a private room just for a "snack" in a 5 star hotel, no wonder they can easily cover up any incident which involves any of their family members just by flashing their sparkling suitcases with lots of money inside. Tsk!
"Actually, according to one of my trusted resources, an incident happened few years ago which involves the youngest son of the kreepolrerk's , surprisingly, our family was involved too.."
I wonder what it was..
I tried to convince my mom to tell me the whole details but she refused to do so.. and said that there's a right time to discuss about that incident.
Which is making me more curious..
I only knew my wife for almost a year but, if there's a point in our lives that we already had an encounter..
Atleast , I'd like to know the reason behind it..
What is it all about.? When did it happened? Where did we met.?
How was it ?
I need to know everything.
But what if , the reason why he left me is because of that incident before?
But if that's the truth, then why can't he just tell me? I'm his husband for damn sake.!
Just be honest with me, Baby.
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TEe's POV :
"Are you ready?" Well ofcourse not!!
"Yes I am." Believe what I'm saying please!!
"Are you sure? I can come with you if you want.."
"No Kim, it's okay, really. I'll be just fine. And If... If ever that I'll be needing your help, I'll just call you, okay? Don't worry.."
"Okay." Then Kimmon gave me a peck on my cheek. Tch! He's really enjoying it. Tsk !
"I'll go ahead.. you can either stay at the hotel or you can go back to your place, it's unto you. I'll see you later, okay.?"
"Alright. See yah! And Don't forget to call me okay? Bye.."
"Bye Kim!"
Alright ! This is it!
Woo! I can do this!
"Good afternoon sir.."
"Hi, I'm the one who make the reservation, it's Tee Kreepolrerk.."
"I see.. please come this way sir.."
"Thank You, is he already.."
"Yes sir, Mr. Darvid is waiting for you.." shia!!!
"Oh.. okay, thank you.."
Breath in...
Breath out..
"Ehem.. goo..."
"I've been waiting for you."
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.."
"Yeah.. you should be.."
"Ehem, before we start.. would you like to have something ? I mean to eat something..."
"Yes.. I do want it. Actually, I've been craving for it for months .."
"Ah.. really.. so, what is it? Maybe they have it here.."
"They do, actually.. it's not really part of the menu but.. well, just by looking at it, is quite enough to make me hungry.. "
"Wha..." And when I looked at him.. that's when I realized, the hunger in his eyes!!
Holy shit!!
"Ehem, by the way, the reason why I asked you to come here is because.."
"Ssshh!! I know.." and I didn't realize that he's already sitting beside me!! "But I didn't come here just because I want to be your Engineer but also to visit my Wife. "