I'm a Fool for you.

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A/N: you're asking for it, guys! Hehe! Now please accept this .

A/N: you're asking for it, guys! Hehe! Now please accept this

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Kimmon's POV:

"We're having dinner tonight, please come before 7:30." ~ Tee.

"Tsk! Here we go again." Well you can't blame me if I'm getting nervous like this.. cause the last time we had dinner together, I almost.. well, took him by force. Sigh*

Oh well, I'm here at the parking lot near the condominium where one of his brother's living. .

I don't know what he wants but , I have no doubt. .

Cause I trust this guy like how I trust his older brother. And I'm quite confident to tell you that this younger one is smarter than his his P'..

"Knock' knock'*" Aish! That scares me!!

"Just get in, you fool!"

"Hi P'Kim! How are you today?"

"Hi P'Kim! How are you today?"

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Tsk! This little devil.

"I'm fine, get in real quick. What.. wait, are you going somewhere?!"

"Yup, we're having dinner tonight remember?"

Dinner? Hang on!!

"Wha--- you mean, that dinner is.."

"Not a daaaate, P'Kim! Everyone is invited. And when I said everyone, that means Everyone!!! "

Which means, The Darvid's are invited too?!!!

"So, what's up?"


"P'Kim.. you're the one who asked me to meet you HERE, remember?!" Oh! Yeah.. that's right... Aish! Hold your grip , Kimmon! Khun Tee will never be yours. Just accept it.!

"Right, I'm sorry.. Well, I need to ask you something."

"Which can be done via text.."

"This matter is getting real serious and it needs to be tackle upfront ."

"Alright, so what about it P'Kim?"

Heh ! He's not just smarter than his brother.. he's far more aggressive than him..

"You're the mastermind, right?"

"I begged your pardon?"

"Copter, you're the one who sent those photos to blackmail him, am I right?"

"Yes. And I also know that you're tracking my every move, P'Kim.."

"Cause you're giving me a lot of evidence, you little rascal. Are you doing it on purpose?"

"Heh! Yep. That's riiiight."

"But why?" And aside from being the smartest one, he's the creepiest, I swear..!!

"Cause I want you to notice me. And think of me, all the time.."

"Eh?!" What's that supposed to mean?

"Oh come on! You know that I'm attracted to you right?!"

"...." Errr. .

"Admit it P'! Haha! It's okay, I understand. I understand that you never consider trying it with me cause you're In-love with my brother.."

"No, it's not like that..."

"Really?" Ack!!

"Oi! Don't change the topic! We're here to talk about what you did to expose the relationship between Godt and Bas. "

"Riiiight, and I'm getting sick of it." Tsk! " Do you know How hard it is for me to swallow the fact that P'Tee married a stranger in Maldives, who turns out to be related to that madning event that happened few years ago.."

"Yeah, and I think i saw him in the hospital back then..." That's right, i remember.. he was there, Tae was standing in front of the door near the entrance to the morgue.. sigh*

"Well, that's the cycle of life. And we're in this loop , all of us . Together.."


Come to think of it, Copter and i were just pawns in this game. . Focusing on Bas and Tee. .

"I want this to be over na P'Kim. That's why I did it. I want P'Tae to do something about it too, so that, it's not always P'Tee who's shouldering everything. I'd like to see what Godt will do once he found out that someone will going to reveal his relationship with Bas. I love My Brothers .. that's why I need to know, what those idiots, who are claiming to be their owners will do once they need to face some struggles like that will test their sincerity towards them.."

Heh! He's really amazing, this guy..

You really are the best kreepolrerk, ever..

"Oh well, that's your decision and I will respect that.. anyway, are you going somewhere? Why are you wearing like that? Like, someone attacked you and tried to rape you or something.."

"What the heck?! Haha this is what you called Fashion , P'Kim." But he's revealing so much skin!! Tsk tsk!

"Come here, I'll fix it.."

"No, mind your own business P'Kim, leave my shirt alone.."

But for some strange reason , it's bothering me so much, so when he slightly push me when I tried to lean on him to button up his shirt, I grabbed his waist and...

Well ..

I don't know what happens next..

All I know is , I'm tasting almost every part of him right now, here , inside of my car.. and I can't stop my self from savoring those beautiful lips, again... And again..

Shit!!! I need to stop!!

"We need to stop.." but this rascal, instead of listening to what i said, sat down to my laps and grind his now hardened lower part to mine .. which is ready to explode anytime soon because of this hot little monster, teasing me, licking and sucking my nipples.. Seriously?!!!

"Oi!!! I should be the one doing that .. you rascal!" I'm not going to be the bottom in this scenario!! No way!

"Aaahh~~ P'Kim! Do something.. "

"Aish!!! Tone it down! We're in the car, remember?!!!" Luckily, now it's getting dark outside..

"Let's go to your place , P'.."

"But your building is just few blocks away from here.."

"Please, P'Kim.. I.. I've never been to your place, not even once.. please?"

Aaaaargh!!! I don't know what's happening to me right now. . I can't even remember when did I become addicted to his kisses. All I know is I want Him. Damn it! I'm in deep shit.

"~ Kimmon...."

Oh Lord! Don Tiago is going to kill me tonight., Please Save me!!!

~~~ tbc ~~~

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