" When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life."- unknown.
• This is a #TaeTeefanfic
• I'm just gonna edit the conversations, so don't worry, okay? Thanks! :)
"Geez! How come the gadgets today are getting so complicated?"
"Oh come on, Old man! Hand it over to your husband!"
"Fiiiine!!! Tee!! Honey! Your stupid brother called me an Old Man, Again!!!"
and after few minutes, Copter heard the very familiar voice coming from somewhere, laughing at his husband as the man acting like a baby, again.
Tee, "Tsk! Poor you, just go downstairs and prepare our lunch, Alright?"
Tae, "Yup!" Then Tae kissed him. Even though copter didn't see it, but he could guess as how the old man whistling like an idiot while coming down to the kitchen.
Tee, "Hey! Is it time?"
Copter, "Yes, we just have to wait for him to go online."
Tee, "Alright!!"
After spending their Holidays hundreds and thousands of miles apart from each other, The Kreepolrerk Brother's decided to do a video call first thing in the morning (NY time), well, probably just to annoy each other (and their husbands) and to check their "baby Brother's condition" in Manhattan.
Copter, "so, how is it? Oh come on guys! We're not doing a selfie here! Stop it!"
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Bas, "but I look so handsome."
Copter, "since when did you become a narcissist?"
Bas, "and P'Tee looks so cuuute!! Awww!!" He blurted out when he saw their P' just staring at the video, watching them teasing each other.
Tee, "tsk! How are you, Nong?"
Bas, "I'm good.." Copter, "Terrible." Bas, "huh?" Copter, "Seriously? Are you asking me or Bas? He's not just your "Nong" here, remember?"
But Tee just laughed at how his Nong Copter started to complain to him.
Bas, "but why did you feel so terrible? What happened?"
Copter, "well it's because of that Stupid Kimmon's fault!!"
Geez! What did he do this time? , Tee thought about it before asking it out loud, "why?"
Then Copter show his "Ring finger" to his brother's, and as expected, Bas laughed hysterically while clapping his hands like a mad man, and Tee smiled at him like he's the most fascinating creature in the world.