Chapter 4: Beautiful Blue

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Dipper and Ford knocked on Mabel's door as they walked up to it, "Coming!" Mabel yelled, opening the door minutes later. Dippers nose was assaulted with perfume and hairspray and he coughed and sneezed something awful. "Aw tiny kitten sneezes! Just like my brother! How cute! Gideon, my sweet, you can go now, I guess" Mabel said, a sad and sulky look on her face that made him hope Mabel would never use that expression.

"Finally!" came his grumpy reply, stalking out the room. Dipper had to suppress a giggle, Mabel had put makeup on him, his hair now exactly like the one from his dimension, less tall but still styled, "Isn't he adorable! He struggled a lot, but we got there in the end, didn't we sweetie?"

"I hate you" Gideon said, pouting up at the tall Gleeful girl,

"Love you too, my marshmallow!" Mabel said, blowing him a kiss as they left. Gideon's face was beet red.

"She make you over?" Ford asked smiling.

"What do you think?" Gideon hissed, ruffling his hair and trying to loosen the strands, "Ughh! What kind of hairspray was that!? It's like cement! I can't get it out!" he cried.

Dipper let out his laugh he had been holding and Gideon glared daggers at him.


The forest was silent as they walked through its burnt out remains. Gideon looked up as he noticed something out the corner of his eye and his blue orbs widened, "Whoa! I think I know where Will is! Look!" he exclaimed, pointing up to the floating pyramid. 

"It's white, with rainbow mortar" Ford noted. Dipper nodded, "It's nicer, what are those weird blue flashes?"

"I guess we'll see once we get closer" Gideon said.

The blue flashes turned out to be Butterflies, hundreds of blue butterflies, different shades and shapes and patterns, metallic and plainly colored, "Wow" Dipper whispered as one landed on his arm. A dark blue one landed on Gideon's nose and he swatted it away with a yelp, "This is so weird, Wills gotta be around here some where, right?"

"These butterflies are made with magic, he must be inside, there's more magical items around the pyramid than anywhere else" Ford said.

Using Mabel's grappling hook they made it to the top and peered in, there was no throne of human agony. But the chair was blue and looked more comfy, pillows on the seat. Ford sighed with relief glad to see no people frozen in terror "Now what?" Gideon asked.

"We go and find him" Dipper said. Gideon pouted "This is gonna be a death sentence" he whined. Ford chuckled "No it won't, you said Will is good, there's a chance he will listen to us, unlike Bill."

There was a flash of lightening from the hall and the small group looked up. Will floated into the large room carrying an electric guitar.

"Will can sing really nicely, but he's more of a piano man than a electric guitar man" Gideon explained as they watched. Will picked up the cord to power everything and grinned, plugging it into his ear. Electricity coursed up his left side and down the cord and everything turned on. The demon strumming the strings and giggling when the vibrations ran through the room.

"That's one way to do it" Ford said, chuckling softly as he rummaged in his backpack. He opened the folder and pulled out the page he wanted, "It says here that to turn him back we need to unbind him, I guess that's done, the next thing to do is just wait till the human form gives out, he'll return back to his triangle form after."

"So we just have to wait?" Gideon asked, 

Ford nodded, 

"So why are we here?"

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