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"282757." "How are you feeling today?" I say taking a seat in my office. I'm a therapist for a particular person named Colby brock has been his therapist for years now, but he is more known as patient 282757 "I'd prefer you to call me Colby, Cole, or Mr.Brock please I'm not some test subject I'm human" he said rolling his eyes moving his hands to his hair, he grabbed his brown hair into his hand and pulls off a hair tie, he then ties his hair up into a small man bun. He sighs and puts his hand onto his lap looking down at them "Well Mr. Brock, how are you feeling today?" I ask "nothing," he says looking at me emotionless I look back at him staring into his ocean blue eyes "nothing?" I ask he nods not taking his eyes off of me. "Your feeling nothing? You have to feel something Everyone feels something" I say "well I don't and you're wasting your time trying to fix me or help me whatever you call it, you're not doing anything but making it worse, Samuel" he says with doubt in his voice like he was lying "making it worse Colby" I say butting my notepad down and looking at him "I'm here to help you not make it worse" "yeah well you're not doing a good job of that huh?" He said while chuckling dryly "Look, Cole, I'm doing the best I can but you acting like I'm the worst person here is not helping anyone in here to help you okay I'm a place for you to lose your fears tell me everything" I say "why so you can write it all down in your dumbass notepad and tell the other just how insane I am ha no thanks" he says "insane you think your insane please you are fine I don't even know why your here" I say smiling awkwardly "I'm here because I opened up to someone:(" he says sadly "can I go back to my room I think my time is almost over" he says "yeah, I- just make sure to shut the door" "yeah" he says walking out closing the door behind him I sigh taking off my glasses closing my eyes putting my elbows up my desk pitching the area between my eyes and nose, man this Brock kid sure does stress me out, for one he makes me question everything, my job, my life, my sexuality, what I do for a living just everything he just shows you a whole new side of the world ya know?*Knock Knock* "Come in," I say "uh Mr.Golbach? You don't have any patients why are you still here?" Kat one of the assistants for us asks "just looking over some of my notes from Mr.Brock" I say "Uh Mr.brock..." She said trailing off "yeah Colby Brock," I say "I don't think I've ever met him, well good luck with that?" She says more as a question "thanks" I say she doesn't say anything but I hear my door shut and I sigh for like the 100th time today. I get up from my desk chair and stand up I start to collect my things and put them into my bag, I grab my keys and walk out of my office locking my door I walk through the halls if all getting to my car. I unlock my door and get in sitting down and putting my hands on the steering wheel.
How did I get so 'lucky' to be blessed with Colby Brock the most confusing yet intelligent one at this whole place, they say he's manipulative and is known for confusing people getting in there heads and changing the way they see things forever, seems like he's a pretty good actor then he's turning 18 years old tomorrow he's been here for almost 15 years, he came here at 4 years old I think, it was when his parents realized he wasn't safe to be around the other kids manipulating them to hurt them self's, he got into there heads at such a young age and here I am a 20-year-old man questioning my sexuality over one of my patients who isn't even legal yet, but wait there not buts I'm a fucking creep, get it together Sam just get home. I put on my seat belt and put it key in hearing in engine start.
This kids gonna be the death of me

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