(chp 03) Kidnapped Parent

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  • Dedicated to family and friends

                                                               CHP 03

                                                                KIdnapped Parent

         I walked in the door. I herd a loud smash and I saw alot of things smashed in my house. I didn't know what was going on. I locked the door I thought so I don't know what had happened and I walked in to my room. I turned on the light to my room and my window was smashed open and there wasn't glass all over like you'd expect it was all gone everything. Then I left the room and went and shut the door to the outside and locked it. Then I walked up to the closet by my room and grabbed a curtain out of it. I then walked back into my room and covered up my window to my room and layed down on my bed.I fell a sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with someone staring at me. So I got up and looked at him and said "who are you". Then I got off my bed and he looked at me again and answered "I'm here to help and i'm the guy that helped you last night".

         I said to him " well are you the one who broke in" he then said " no I came here to help your mom but it looks like I was to late". I said "what do you mean late". He said "your mom is gone David". I said " how do you know my name and what is your name". "My name is Lucas and I know you because I worked with your mom on a crystal that can turn anyone into in immortal". Then I ran into all the rooms looking for my mom all of my house and I didn't see my mom any where she should be home. Then I ran up to the guy and said " Where is she". He said " the guy that came and broke in took your mom because they couldn't find the crystal". Then I told him about the visions and about the slayer.

         Then he said "goodbye i'll see you tomorrow then". I then called Sandra and told her what had happened and she said that I can come over because it's more safe at her house". Then I left my room and unlocked my house door and got out the door and then I locked up the door. Then I ran down the street and came up to her house. I knocked and then She answered the door and said "come right in". I came in and she locked the door with like three latches. Then she showed me to a room that was a cross the hall between the stairs and kitchen. There was a bed in there and there was no windows and she said " lock your door before going to sleep". She then left and I shut the door and locked it.

        Then I layed down on the bed and fell a sleep. I found myself in a cage in the DNA headquarters with people asking me were a crystal that grants immortality is.  I here a girly voice coming out of me "I don't know where it is". Then I woke up and I was in the room I fell a sleep in and I had a really bad headache. So I went up to the door and tryed to open it and I couldn't get out. But then I remmeber that I locked it. Then I came to the latch and unlock it then I walk into the kitchen and there is Sandra and her brother sitting down eating lunch I guess. Sandra says " where have you been you missed breakfast it's 12:00 .        

        I told her "I had a vision I know where my mom is and I need your help here get out". "She's in the DNA headquarters". Then we got done eating lunch and she said "that place is full of vampires I don't think we can just brake into there". So then I walked into the bedroom I was in and locked the door and answered the phone because it was ringing. I answered it and it was Lucas I told him were they were and he said " that place is full of vampires" and he said "I have many people that can help brake in". Then he hung up the phone and I unlocked the door.

         I went into the kitchen ,I told Sandra that we need to train for what we are going to do. So then we left the kitchen and went up the stairs. We then went to the library in the house. She threw stakes at a dummy and I just looked in the library and opened up the shelf and I was looking for the items that I wanted to use. But then the door bell rang I felt a really loud ringing in my head. I felt like I wanted to yell at the ringing before I could, it stopped. I yelled for Sandra to "come to the door". So then Sandra ran to the door. She looked threw the peek hole and told me to come look and see if I knew these people. So I came running down the stairs and came up to the door and looked threw the peek hole. It was Lucas and a couple of dudes so then  I saw that they are these giant buff dudes.

        So I told Sandra that it was them and she opened the door and they walked in. Then we told them about are plan and they said that we were ready. So then all got out of the house and Sandra locked the door. Then we got in the car and it drove us to the building the DNA building and we went in. These guys asked "who are you" so Sandra did a flip in the air and threw  like 5 stakes at the vampires around the area and killed all of them. The big men shot the clerk and she fell a sleep. So she was human and then we ran up to the second floor with the stairs and heard the noise coming from the sound system " SQUAD ONE are you all right". Then we heard them answer "yes master" so we saw them after words around the corner and Sandra did a somersault across the hall and threw 2 stakes and the vampires disintegrated.

         Then we went up one more floor and heard some yelling so we ran to it and it was in some room that was locked. So we ran to the next corridor and there was a guy with a card by his shoulder, so we ran over there and I threw a poison dart at the vampire and he disintegrated into dust. I feel really happy because I didn't miss then we ran up and grabbed the card out of the pocket. Then we ran toward the door we heard yelling then when we unlocked the door by scanning the card and we got in there and there was no one except my mom all scared up her back. So we used the card and scanned the gate and it opened so we let her out of it.

        Then she said "who are you leave me alone" and we broke the chains and said " were here to help". Then she turned around and smiled and said "thank you". We then went to leave when tons of vampires closed in on us and we all went all out on them Sandra stabbed like 20 of them with her sharpened stake and my mom and me shared the poison bottles and wooden darts. But finally all of them were gone except for one humongous one. It was a giant musculer vampire that looked really unhappy. Then it transformed into its vampire self.  It came running at us and Sandra stabbed it and we threw potions at it and the other guys stunned it then it slowed down but then we got it in the eyes with the potion and Sandra stabbed all threw it and it disintegrated right away. My mom was yelling at the guys about how they brought me and I told her about how I found out about my visions and the slayer. She thought it was awesome so we decided to take Sandra home and me and my mom went to the sit in restraunt close to are house......

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