(chp 06) weeks later

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                                                                   CHP 06

                                                                    Weeks Later


        I was sitting at home my mom said there has to be a "family meeting". I came into the the living room and sat at the couch. She said "honey I'm engaged to Lucas" it didn't set in till a couple of minutes so I said " What ". She repeated herself and I didn't believe her in tell she said it again I said "do you mean the Lucas from work" she answered " yes why honey". "Are you sure you trust him mom" she said " yes why"? I said " I guess it's just you shouldn't get married to someone from work". Then I told her "I'm going to lay down and let it set in". 

        I layed down for about an hour and I fell a sleep. I was dreaming about Sandra for some reason she was wearing that dress from when we went to the dinner. Then I woke up and my mom said "I was saying Sandra's name a couple of times". "I was dreaming about when we went to the dinner". So my mom left and said "i'm going on a date with Lucas". Then she left I grabbed my phone and I dialed Sandra's number but there was no answer. So she's not back from when she left town.

        So I just put my jacket on and opened my door and locked the front door and stared to walk to Smither's house which was Sandra's house so I got there and knocked on the door. Then Smither's came running to the door he answered the door and said "Hello David". Then I answered " what's up dude" he said "I don't you came over here". Then I came into the house and sat on the couch and told him "my mom is getting married to Lucas" he said "you mean Lucas from work" I said "Yes". Then he sat down and started a video game and asked me "if I wanted to join".

        So I answered and said "sure I"ll play" and I grabbed a controller and looked and he was playing a game that I've never seen before. I just started playing and it was an amazing game. So we sat for about an hour and then Smithers asked " do you want anything to eat " then he grabbed some food and I played the game when I was waiting for him.

        Then he came in with some bacon flavored sausage and eggs with bacon in it. Then I ate it and watched him play then I heard someone unlocking the door. I ran to the door ready for anything and when it opened I was not ready. So then it opened and it was Sandra and I ran and hugged her she went flying backward from not being ready. Then she said "hello I'm back but I guess noticed already". Then I told her about how "my mom and Lucas are engaged" she said "arn't you happy for her". I said " I don't know if I trust him yet and I think I'm going home its late". Then Sandra said " have a goodnight David".

         Then I left out the door and shut it behind me and put my jacket on and went toward my house. Then when I got to my house I went to the door and it was locked but I have my key so I unlocked it. I saw my mom kissing Lucas goodnight I felt really weird so I said "goodnight" to my mom and went to the my room. Then I heard the door shut. I fell into a deep sleep on my bed. I had a vision about this new vampire is coming into town. He has blonde hair and his name is Lester. He's someone that slays slayers so I woke up and it was morning already.

        I was already for school my first day of 11th grade. Then I got up and changed my clothing and went toward my way to my high school. Then I walked out the door and started running to school and I made it to school and it looks like my first class is algebra 2. I realized that I saw Sandra in the class so we didn't have a assigned seat on the first day so I sat by her. It gave a happy feeling like me wanting to give her a kiss. So class was over and I went to lunch and there was spaghetti again I really hate it so much it makes me want to throw up.

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