Chapter 1 - Idiots Really Need To Stay In More

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This is what I get for running late. A mate. Really Santa? No one asked for this. I specifically asked for a 200 inch television, Josh Hutcherson, and an unlimited food supply, but NO you had to give me an unwanted soul mate!

I was just trying to sneak into Ms. Smith's class when I ran into some random hot guy. I quickly pick up my fallen books and phone and scurry off. I already have one detention I'm not going to show up for, no use getting another just so they can call my Mom for her to force me.

Instead of being like the normal jerk, this guy just stands their and looks at me. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk away. Perve.

I just manage to nab a seat at the back of the class when Ms. Smith yells out traditional "Freeze Please!" to get the more rowdy teenagers to shup up so she can start class.

I actually like Ms. Smith. She actually makes things fun. That pretty much means she leaves us alone to do our work while she just listens to our conversations to make sure we are at least somewhere near being on task.

I just pull my tablet from my bookbag and start on the myth we are supposed to be writing. Thank God for easy assignments!

I'm just writing about how my character, Matheaus, Falls into a pit filled with hamburgers and cotton candy, when Ms. Smith yells for us to get out and go to luch. I smirk as I gather my things. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that lady.

I make my way to the Cafeteria from my side of the school, running over random people's feet with my rolling bookbag as I go. After a few dirty glares and an attempt to trip me, I finally make it to my sactuary. Food.

I pick up my bag and sling it lazily over my shoulders. 'Hehe. You could have just picked it up in the hallway and you know not runn over all of those people's toes.' My wolf Blaze says snickering.

I just shrug at her. 'It's my revenge for all of them being idiots. Those guus should really stay in more.'

Blaze snorts. 'And you should really shut up more but we all know that isn't going to happen.'

Sticking my toungue out at her, I walk into the lunch line and start piling what looks good to me on my tray. Oh how food makes the heart grow fonder.

After paying more my lunch, I quickly fast walk over to the table containing my best friends in the universe.

I plop down into the seat in between Elise amd Tre with Jayden and Tenesha sitting opposite of us.

"I had a thought." Jayden says to me as I open up the wrapper to my spicy chicken sandwich. I nod, telling him to go on, stuffing my face with seasoned chicken amd warm bread.

"Why are there exit signs but no enter signs?" He looks at me completely serious as I down half of my chocolate milk. " Like there needs to be some random guy just to go up to Obama and be like, 'Where are the exit signs.?' and the President won't have anything to say."

I shove the last bit of sandwich into my mouth a he continues his rant. I've grown accustomed to them by now and I nod along because it actually makes sense. What if there were two door to a building amd I didn't know which one to walk in through? Enter signs would change America for the better.

   "An entire world of no longer enterance confused people could use them and you'll save hours of peoples waisted time trying to figure out which door to enter through." Jay says reaching over the table in attampt to take my French fries. I barely manage to swat his hand away to save my cookie from falling out my mouth.

    Tre and Elise are having a staring contest while Tenesha is trying to keep Jayden from stealing her hot fries, so there is no use in asking to take their trays. So I just take mine and go to throw it into the trash.

  After I shoot my tray into the bin, I bump into another random guy. 'What is it with your clumsyness today?' Blaze asks annoyed.

   But when I look up at the culprit, He roughly grabs my upper arm, sending slightly numb feeling through it and practicaly drags be toward the center of the large group of teens watching mouths agape.

"I, Jay Anderson, soon to be Alpha of the Warrior Howl Pack, reject you Jaynessa Mathews as my mate." He yells making a mix of snickers and gasps erupt from the pack of werewolfs surrounding us.

But my face is guarded. 'Apparently this dude thinks he's our mate.' Blaze laughs amused. I try to keep my slighly surprised but amused expression to myself. At least until I open my mouth to deliver the news that is on my mind.

"I Jaynessa Mathews, accept your rejection and does not care. Have a nice life without this awesomeness in it!" I shout pulling my arm from his grasp and walking away from his open mouth and the crowd's dumbfounded expressions.

Pansies. Somebody, somewhere must have made a mistake. That rude idiot isn't my mate, not even close. I don't even have one. Even if I did, I wouldn't show myself to him. I would just quietly reject him and move on with my life. Life is complicated enough without having to worry about another person. I'll survive and so will he, I guess.

I sit back down in my seat. Elise and Jayden have switched places I am now sitting in between Tre and Jayden while Elise and Tenesha are both laughing at something I think I hear as tweaking.

Tre leans on my shoulder, his large built looks gigantic next to mine. "Is it just me, or are our friends insane?" He whispers, but with all pf our werewolf hearing we can all here him. Elise throws and apple at his head, which he catches and takes a bite.


I slump down into my seat. Not sad, just deflated. For some reason, I can't stop thinking about my "mate." His tall lean figure and light tan skin match his colorless eyes and midnight black hair. Hot? Yes. Arrogant? Of course. But why does some part of me feel as if I've made a mistake?

Well this was the first chapter. Is it good? Bad? Awful? Yeah. Please





Thank You for reading this I really appreciate it and there is definitely more to come. Jealousy will stir and boy is revenge sweet. *Winks* Watch out.


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