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We slowly made our way over to the back door that leads out into the courtyard, Jude slowly unlocks it, trying not to make any noise. The door creaks open and we all rush out of the school with our bags slung over our shoulders. We had crossed the courtyard without running into any trouble, now we had to get past the fences that surrounded the school. 

"Okay guys grab on to me, you'll feel weird since it's your first time shadow travelling Luna." 

She nods uneasily, as she grabs my hand, Jude holding onto the other. I step forward and a second later we've appeared on the other side of the fence, under a huge oak tree. Luna brings her hands to her stomach, "I think I'm about to puke." 

She vomits near the tree and Jude and I jump back in disgust. 

"Don't worry Luna, I felt the same way the first time I did, I still get queasy though." Jude says trying to comfort her. 

I grab some tissues from my bag and hand one over to her, she gladly accepts it and wipes her mouth. Meanwhile, Jude opens up the map looking at the easiest path to Erian. The last town the White Chain were in. 

"Okay guys, we need to cross these woods and then we'll get to the Emerald River. But we have to be careful of bounty hunters and other creatures lurking around. After that we cross through some fields and hills and then we should get to Erian." 

"Sounds easy enough," I reply, and we all start the long walk through the forest. 

"Shouldn't we stop to get some rest first?" Luna asks suddenly, I turn to look at her, she did look tired.

"Let's walk for another half hour and then we'll find somewhere to set up camp for the rest of the night." I suggest, Luna and Jude agree and we continue through the woods. 

We set up camp in a small clearing, we had all packed mats and sleeping bags. So we lay them all out, and huddled together since it was freezing.

"I'll keep watch first," I exclaimed, Luna and Jude seem too tired to argue. So they both dozed off within minutes. I never slept that much in the evening anyway, you know since I was claimed by the God of darkness and all that.

An hour later, I heard shuffling in the bushes, I held my breath as I slowly stood up and leaned against the tree.

"I can't believe this!" A voice sounded out angrily from afar, wait a second. I've heard that voice before.

A second later, none other than Caspian immerges from the trees. I sigh in relief.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask.

"The other stupid Gods and Goddesses sent me down here! Something about the prophecy and how helping you on this mission is supposed to redeem me or some bull like that! I can't belive I'm here! In the woods! At dawn!" He almost yells.

I see Jude move out of the corner of my eye, when he sees Caspian he stands up quickly. "Who is this Odette?"

"This is Caspian, Caspian you know Jude don't you?" I mutter in annoyance.

"Yep, hello boy," is Caspian's wonderful reply.

Jude just stares at him wide eyes for a few seconds, "uh hi?"

Luna was now starting to wake up, and Caspian and I explained why he was here.

"Wait, you said something about the prophecy, are you in it?" I ask Caspian.

"How would I know? I'm supposed to be redeeming myself or something!" Caspian rolls his eyes.

"Right well, we should probably get a move on," I say as I start to pack up the camp.

Everyone follows, and Caspian marches forward to lead us on the trail.

"I can't believe I've met the real Caspian! I mean he looks like a normal 17 year old boy!" Jude whispers to me.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out where he fits into the prophecy!" I whisper back.

"Do you really think he's a part of it?"

"Maybe, I don't know," I mutter.

In a flash I suddenly see Luna being thrown off the path into a tree trunk.

"Luna!" I yell without thinking, and out of nowhere I see a group of hunters  emerging from around us. You see, hunters was the name we gave to groups of homeless thieves that often killed and stole. They were ruthless, and never in my life had I encountered them.

"Hello kiddos! What are you all doing so far from the academy?" One of them called out.

I look over at Caspian who had a bored look on his face, he then began to pick at his nails.

Jude looked petrified and went to go help Luna who was rubbing her back, a pained look on her face.

"Listen guys, we don't want any trouble... and if you know whats good for you, you'll back off." I yell, trying to sound confident.

I meet eyes with Caspian and he gives me a mischievous smile, I give him one right back.

"Aww the little elves think they can take on us, how cute." The same hunter replies, they start to close in around us and Caspian nods his head at me. I smirk back and I step back into the shadows created by the trees, disappearing from sight. I appear from behind two of the hunters and knock both of them out with an energy blast.

Caspian simply flicks his wrist and three of the hunters are pushed backwards at least fifty meters. The hunters try to fight back, but Caspian and I were constantly disappearing and appearing again, eventually they were all either dead or knocked out.

I was tired after wasting a lot of my energy fighting, and I was breathing heavily. Caspian on the other hand, didn't look like he even broke a sweat.

"We make a good team don't we darling?" He states.

"Sure," I pant out in reply.

"Here give me your hand," Caspian demands, walking over to me.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it, don't you trust me?" He asks, giving me a pointed look. I put his hand in mine and I feel a huge wave of energy surge through my body.

"What was that?" I ask in shock when he pulls his hand away.

"I just shared some of my energy with you."

"Right..." I then turn to Luna and Jude who are looking at us with wide eyes.

"Wow..." Luna grumbles out, they both stand up, Luna looks a lot better than how she was a few minutes ago.

"Are you two okay?" I question.

"Yeah we're fine," Jude replies.

"Wonderful! Time to go!" Caspian announces, as he starts to walk down the path again.

This was going to be a long trip.


I managed to write another chapter! Who's proud of me?

Anyway, don't forget to vote ans comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

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