Chapter Eleven

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Taehyung's POV

  I groaned as I opened the door to step into my home, and I groaned even louder as Namjoon stepped in front of me. "My life sucks." I stated. My brother shook his head at me.

  "What happened this time?" He sat on our couch. We had always lived together because we were so close, and Namjoon liked to travel a lot so he went on tours with me as well.

  It's not weird. It's actually nice and fun.

  I looked up at him and sighed. "I just came back from meeting Jimin." I rolled my eyes at the name. Namjoon made an o with his mouth. "Was he nice? I heard he's really cute and that he's a really nice guy. Is it true?" He asked.

  I bit my lip at that. Jimin sounds wonderful. Great. "Sure, Whatever, But Jungkook And Yoongi were fucking there." I groaned. "Why? Out of all people-"

  "But you liked Yoongi, I thought.." Namjoon cut in, making me want to rip out his hair. "He has a boyfriend!" I laughed at myself.

  Namjoon squinted at me and then his face changed as if he had finally understood what was going on. "Didn't you.." He trailed off.

  "Yes." I sighed. "We did."

  It went silent for a minute before he spoke up again. "Seokjin came by to see you, but I told him to come by later." He told me. I nodded my head, relieved that I was going to get to see my best friend again. Thank God.


Hours passed before my bedroom door was opened, revealing Seokjin. He has a key to my house and he usually just comes whenever he wants, and I was really happy to see him as he jumped on my bed and hugged me.

"It's been years!" Jin yelled at me.

I shook my head and laughed as he started lying on top of me. "I was on tour for two months!" I defended myself as he started smacking me. He huffed and raised up.

"You left me here with nobody to hang with."

"Correction," I raised my hand up to him. "You left yourself here. I asked if you wanted to come and you said no." I shrugged. Jin got off of me and laughed as he sat on my bed.

"I've already traveled enough." He said.

I shook my head and looked up at him. "It was fun, but I actually ran into some people that went to the same school as us." I frowned.

Jin raised an eyebrow at me. "Who? Do I know any of them?" He asked. I shrugged. "I only met two people. One was a grade below me and the other was a grade below you."

He rolled his eyes. "I probably know one then. Who is it?" Jin pushed me back into the bed, realizing that I was procrastinating telling him.

I frowned. "Let me tell you what happened first!" I almost whined as he kept shaking me. He stopped touching me to listen. "I may or may not have had sex with the older one."

Jin gasped and covered his ears. "Innocence! You need Jesus! How could you!" He said.

I smacked his arm and he began to laugh. "But what happened after that?" He asked.

Memories came back from a couple of days ago. "After we had sex, he told me he had a boyfriend and he ran away." I frowned.

Jin puckered his lips and stared at me.

"He came back the next day because he forgot his phone." I looked at the floor. "But I could've sworn I had him, Jinnie. I flirted with him, I have him the look you taught me, and I even fucked him for fuck sake!" I groaned.

"Language, kid." Jin smacked my head. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared into my eyes. "Didn't I teach you the look when you had a crush before? Who was that again?" He asked.

I laughed at that. "I actually once had a crush on Hoseok, and now he's going to be my dance teacher along with some Jimin guy. Apparently we all went to that same stupid school."

Jin bounced up at that. "Hoseok!" He yelled. "That guy is so energetic! He makes me do warm ups with him all the time!" He said.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Huh?"

Jin nodded. "I take dance lessons." A smile came onto my face. "Doesn't that mean that we'll be dancing together?" I asked.

He looked at the floor and then back at me.

"I guess so, then." He smiled. "But- anyways, who was the guy?" He asked me curiously.

My smile faded away once he asked that.

"Well, I developed another crush after Hoseok." I explained to him. "It was after you had graduated, so I didn't think there was a point in telling you.." I said as he nodded.

He tilted his head. "How long ago was this?"

"Years ago." I rolled my eyes. "He was a senior when I was a freshman, but he didn't look like a senior at all. He was so short and he had a gummy smile and he was so adorable—"

"Min Yoongi?!" Jin gasped. "You had sex with Min Yoongi?!" He smacked my arm. "That's Jimin's boyfriend, you asshole!" He yelled.

I pushed him off of me and whined. "He didn't tell me he had a boyfriend!" I defended myself.

Jin got off of me and huffed.

"Don't worry, I do the same thing to Jimin when—" He looked at me and then looked away. "Never mind." He smiled weakly.

"Okay..?" I tilted my head. "But what do I do?"

Jin shrugged. "Do you like Yoongi?"

I stared at Jin and thought for a minute. Yoongi and I don't really know each other, but I could really feel a connection, and that was the only reason I even had sex with him.

Then again, maybe I was wrong.

"Oh!" I suddenly remembered something. "I Uh.. kind of did something." I bit my lip.

Jin looked at me blankly. "What?"

"I.. tried to find a way to forget about the whole thing with Yoongi, so I met a girl and.. we did some things, but it just wasn't right." I sighed. "It wasn't right?" He questioned me.

I hid my face in my hands. "I called Yoongi in the middle of sex with her and he heard her moan, and then he got mad about it and I honestly don't know what I was thinking, but-"

"He got mad?" Jin cut me off." I peeked through my fingers. "Yes." He stared at me for a moment after I answered. He then sighed.

"You're both stupid."

I tried to make this chapter good but it still sucks ass but whatever

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