Chapter Sixteen

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Yoongi's POV

I bit my lip as I looked in the window of the small shop that I usually pass by in the mornings. Since I don't have a job, I usually cook Jimin breakfast and then walk with him to work, then I take my time walking back home. Today, something had caught my eye.

A little dog.

  It looks so cute and soft, and I really want to pet it, but I know that I shouldn't. If I do, I'll end up buying it. The dog stared back at me, basically begging me to buy it.

  "It's cute, huh?" I suddenly heard a voice, which scared me and made me jump a little.

  I turned to look at the owner of the voice and furrowed my eyebrows once I saw Hoseok standing in front of me. "Shit, Hobi. You scared me." I laughed nervously. Why is he here?

  "Well, I was on my way to the studio and I saw you staring at a window." He laughed as well. "I wanted to see what had your attention. I'm sorry for scaring you." He smiled at me.

  I smiled back and then looked at the dog. "It's so cute. I wanna take him home, but Jimin-" I stopped and stared wide-eyed at the dog.

  Hoseok and Jimin.

  "But Jimin, what?" Hoseok asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I saw him in the reflection of the window, and he was looking back at me, waiting for an answer.

  My body froze. Will he get mad if I mention Jimin? Wait, what am I thinking? Jimin is my boyfriend. "I'm sure that Jimin would kill me if I brought home-" I looked at the dog's name tag as it stared back at me. "Holly." I finished.

  Hoseok smiled down at the dog as he bent down and tapped on the window, making Holly lick the glass. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He said as I bent down to see the dog as well.

  "I mean.. I'm at home alone a lot." I stated. "Maybe Holly could keep me company." I said as Hoseok looked over at me and smiled.

  "Why would you get a dog to keep you company when you have a friend like me?" I heard a familiar voice come from next to me and Hoseok, causing us to stand up.

  We looked over and saw Taehyung with his hands in his pockets, smiling. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he stared at Hoseok. "I'll see you later, Yoongles." Hobi said. "I need to get to the studio. I'm already late."

  I frowned as he began to walk away.

  Taehyung moved to the side once Hoseok got closer to him, letting him easily walk by him. I walked up to him and pushed him. "Since when are we friends?" I asked when Hoseok was out of sight. Taehyung clutched his chest.

  "Since the night of the c-"

  "Since never." I rolled my eyes, cutting him off as I turned to walk home.

  Whether I like to admit it or not, Taehyung looked pretty hot as of right now. He looked like he hadn't even tried to look good, and he had no makeup or anything on. His hair didn't look fixed, but it looked fluffy and soft.

Still looks good, though..

  "So, you were looking at the dog?" Taehyung walked beside me, as if I had asked him to.

  I sighed. "Holly is cute, but I can't have him." I said. Taehyung smiled and looked back at the dog as we kept walking towards my house. "Why are you following me?" I asked him.

  Taehyung shrugged. "You know, if you were with me, I'd let you have the doggy. I'd even buy him little chew toys and a dog friend."

  I laughed at that. "Too bad, I'm not with you." I smiled innocently as I looked up at him.

  "Too bad? You're right. That is too bad." Taehyung shook his head and smirked.

  I groaned. "Do you ever shut up-"

  Taehyung suddenly grabbed onto my arm and pulled me towards him, making me tumble to the side in confusion. "What the hell?"

  He looked down at me, and I realized his eyes were wide. "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He asked.

  I looked behind me and noticed the road and the cars passing quickly without stopping.

  I turned back to Taehyung and pushed him away from me. "Well if you'd stop talking, maybe I would've paid more attention."

  Taehyung chuckled. "Don't lie. You were just too busy staring at me, weren't you?" He smirked. I laughed back at him. "You wish."

  He nodded his head. "You're right."

  I glanced at him, but he was looking at a building. "Hey, have you eaten?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I cooked." I said.

  He pursed his lips into a thin line. "Oh."

  Awkward silence took over, and I still didn't know why he was following me, but I felt safe all of a sudden. No, it's not because he saved me from getting ran over. I don't think..

  I puckered my lips as we arrived to the street I live on. "You can go home now." I told him.

  Taehyung slightly opened his mouth. "I walked all this way, and you're not going to show me where you live?" He asked. "Wow. What a way to treat a friend." He said.

  I rolled my eyes. "You're not my friend."

  "What am I then?" He asked as I stepped foot on the stairs to my house. "A fuckbuddy?"

  I groaned at him. "Shut up about that." I furrowed my eyebrows. "And stop making it so noticeable at the studio. I'm a happy man, and I don't need you ruining that." I said sternly.

  Taehyung stepped up beside me and put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I felt my face start to heat up as he pulled our bodies together. What's he doing?? "Tae-"

  "If you're a happy man, then why did you let me fuck you, baby boy?" Taehyung whispered into my ear. My eyes widened and my heart was beating faster than normal. Fuck.

  "S-Shut up." I pushed him away weakly. He stood at the very last step as I ran up and unlocked my door, busting into my house as quickly as possible. I gulped as I closed the door to my house and leaned against the wall, not wanting to look down at what Taehyung had caused. Fuck. God damnit..

  Seriously, Yoongi?

  Are you that easy?



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