Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning to an unfamiliar ringtone. I squinted and rolled over in my bed, not wanting to answer it. A pillow was thrown at me, making me sit up. "Answer your phone!" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at me.

I did the same thing back at him.

"That's not my phone!" I threw the pillow back to the bed next to mine, completely missing Jungkook as I did so. I looked over to my bedside table and squinted at the phone.

It had a black lock screen and the ringtone sounded familiar. "Who the hell is calling me this early?" I questioned to myself.

"It's past lunch, YoonYoon." Jungkook looked over at the television with sparkly eyes as he smiled, sucking on a popsicle. I groaned and grabbed the phone, recognizing the number that was calling. My number?

I answered the phone after clearing my throat. "Hello?" I said. Some movement was made on the other end and I heard heavy breathing.

"You took my phone instead of yours." I heard the familiar voice, making my heart stop.

When I looked over at Jungkook, he was looking back at me. I held up my hand and shooed him away as I threw the blanket off of me and ran into the bathroom.

"Well, I'll just come get it." I whispered, not wanting anything I said to be heard through the walls of the bathroom. I heard a moan come from the other side of the phone, causing my eyebrow to raise. What the-

"V~" I heard a woman's voice.

Taehyung let out a "Fuck" before he hung up the phone. I glared down at the phone in annoyance. Did he just call me while having sex with someone? Seriously? Already?

A text came through Taehyung's phone.

-I'll get you a taxi-

I rolled my eyes at the message and sent the hotel's address to him. I freshened up in the bathroom and went back into the bedroom to find clothes to wear. "I'm going back to Taehyung's house." I told Jungkook, not wanting to lie any more than I already had.

"Why?" He asked. "Can I come, too?"

  Thoughts of me acting suspicious near the both of them came into my head, answering Jungkook's question easily. "No." I said as I shook my head. I picked out clothes and started heading towards the bathroom to change. "I left my phone. It won't take me long." I told Jungkook. He frowned.

  "Okay, I'll let you go alone only if you get Namjoon and Taehyung's number for me." Jungkook said loudly as I closed the bathroom door. I changed into the different clothes.

When I opened the bathroom door, I smiled weakly at Kook. "Sure, I'll get Namjoon's number for you." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows at me as he turned red.

"That's not what I—"

"Mhm." I stuck my tongue out as I shut the hotel door before he could talk back.

I slowly made my way into the elevator, pressing the button to go down. When I got to the first floor, I went outside and searched for any taxi. Which damn taxi is it? I looked around at about ten taxis around the hotel.

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