VII. Closer

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"Okay... how about this one?" I ask my twin and our best friend. We are searching for the Wicked or just for a lead to find him for around 3 hours and it's getting later and later...
"Selena." Jughead calls me. "I know you want to find this freak and believe me, we want it too, but it's almost 1 a.m. and we have school tomorrow... today... and we need a sleep." I just looked at him bad. How he can say this? Yeah, he wasn't kidnapped and tortured for 6 years, so why he should care about that, right? Pfff...
"Okay. Go help Betty to tie her shoe, but don't help me to find a criminal. Fine. Whatever you want. Archie and I will continue. Right?" I look at him and he doesn't say anything. "Bladie?" he looks down this time. "Nice.."

"Jughead is right, Lena

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"Jughead is right, Lena." He agrees with my brother. I can't believe that... "We will continue tomorrow. I promise."
"No." I shake my head. "I will continue tomorrow and you two won't do anything, because I see that you don't have any wish to help me." I take all the things for the investigation and rush from the room. If they don't want to help me, I won't make them. I am just little disappointed...

I am looking at the photos which we have and Cheryl brought me and after another 3 hours, I notice something. On the most of the photos are four same people, hugging my dad or Penelope. Maybe they were friends and something happened between them? Maybe one of these five people is our freak? I am getting closer and closer in this case, not thank to any other than me and my bestie Cheryl. I decide to get some sleep since I will start school soon...

I wake up, do myself and go there. I am entering in the math class when the bell rings. Yes!
"Selena. Just on time." The teacher smiles at me. "Hope to see you like this again."
"I hope not." Tyler says from back. Oh god... "Every time I see her, I want to shoot myself."
"Then I will overcome the fact that I will be with you, if that really happens. Hope it will be soon enough." I respond and he looks at me bad. I really don't know what his problem is. I thought he is just a hurt good boy, but my first impression of him being a jerk was true.
"ENOUGH!" The teacher screams. "Selena, please take your sit and shut your mouth up." I walk ashamed and Tyler laughes. Reggie, who is sitting behind him, slaps him and tells him:
"What's your problem, man? Take it easy." I smile and sit next to him.
"Thank you, Reg."
"You’re always welcome, Sel. You can count on me for everything." Mhm. That sounds good right now.
"Actually... I want you to do something other for me. Call it... a favor.." I smile.
"Hahhahaha." Tyler laughes from in front. "Is that your way to ask for a sex? Not surprised you are a virgin." Ugh. He's so annoying!
"Better that than a whore." I respond smirking at him. "So, Reggie." I turn to him. "I wanted to ask you to drive me somewhere. Can you do that for me?"
"You don't need to ask me twice, teammate." He smiles and I hug him. What a nice guy!

Our class is over and I go to my locker to put my books in it.
"I heard what happened. I am sorry..." I hear Veronica's voice behind my locker door. I close it and look confused for her. "For my cousin. I am sorry.." She looks down and I put my hand on her shoulder. She rises eyes.
"You don't need to, Vero. You didn't do anything." She smiles. "And actually I think I should be the one sorry for you. To be related to that...bruuuh!"
"He's really nice, actually." She says. Seriously? "I am serious! But I really don't know what's his problem with you now... Three days ago he even told me that you're not that bad as he told and you're really cool." I rise my eyebrows. What? "So I don't know what happened to him to treat you like that..."
"It’s okay. He's just brainless, I understand." She laughes.
"Anyway... I want somehow to redeem his guilt, so.. you need something? Anything?" She asks me. She's so nice! I can't believe that my brother chose the blonde bleh when there's a raven goddess in front of him...
"You can." She rises eyebrows happy. "I need help with something and I know that you are good with words and know the people well."
"You just read me."
"You. Me. Reggie. After school. I will tell you for what is it about in the car." V nods without any questions and then her eyes fall on someone. "What?" I follow her look. The same man in a suite comes into the school.
"What my uncle is doing here?" She asks and apparently he sees her and comes to us.
"Ronnie! How is my favorite niece?" They embrace.
"Well, you know. Beautiful, smart, tired and responsible like all the time.." She responds.
"That’s my girl!" He says and then looks at me "And who is your friend there?"
"Oh, that's Selena Jones. Selena - Leon McCall." We handshake.
"Didn't we met before?" Oh so he remembers. Whatever..
"Yes. And?" I rises my eyebrows and he laughes.

 And?" I rises my eyebrows and he laughes

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"I like this one." He tells Veronica. "Finally someone good in this school..." He turns to me. "It was nice to finally know your name, Selena." We handshake again. "Bye, Ronnie." He kisses her forehead and leaves.
"Okay that was weird." I say.
"Super weird." Vero adds and the bell rings. "Come on. We have geography.." Pfff.. and we go there..

After classes, I go to the parking and Reggie's car to wait for him and the Latina. I decide to call my dad for asking him who is one of the five people and where I could find him.
"Samuel Minnette?... Okay.... what was the address again?.... Rose Street 211?... Yeah... Okay... I will. Thank you dad, love you!" And finally end the looong conversation with him... so Samuel Minnette is our first suspect. Why this name sounds me so familiar?... This moment I feel how someone embraces me from behind. It's probably Reggie.
"I love you, too, man, but you are late.." I turn to him laughing. Okay, I didn't see that coming.. It isn't my friend, it's Tyler. "What are you doing?"
"Yeah. I love you too, babe!" He yells looking somewhere.
"Babe? Did you hit your head?"
"No, you're the sweetest!" He kisses my cheek and I push him away.
"What is your problem?" I ask.
"Oh, you want to play, ah?" He hugs me again. I try to release myself, but he holds me tight.
"Selena." His father comes. What now?... "Why you didn't tell me that you're dating my son?"
"I WHAT?" I ask surprised and Tyler laughes.
"I told you what a joker she is..." he says kissing my forehead. Eeel..
"Yeah, I see... Okay, I will let you two alone." Leon says.
"I will be in home at 10 p. m." Tyler tells him.
"Don't worry. You can come whenever you want." His dad responds and leaves with his car. I finally push away the jerk.
"Can you tell me what was that?" I yell.
"What? You don't like it?" I look at him serious. "Look. Somehow my dad really likes you and because of you he let me do things, which he didn't let me before, and even told me a big bravo. So I just told him that you're my girlfriend. Am I smart?!"
"Ugh, no. And I don't want to be even your fake girlfriend. It's still embarrassing!"
"Hey! To be my girlfriend is the gratest thing that will ever happen to you! And I will be the only one anyway fake or not." He smirks.
"Okay. What will I get if I agree to play in this your little game?" I ask.
"My attention?" He smiles.
"I would even sell it." The smile goes down. "Something else."
"You will attend with me at the parties?"
"I don't do parties. Something else."
"A car?"
"I don't have a driver's license. You are closer, but I want something else. I know it's hard for you, but come on. Think!" He makes his thinking face and stay like that for 2 minutes.
"Money?" He asks.
"Ding! Ding! Ding! Bingo! Two hundred for week, to be exact."
"Are you insane?! That's the half of my money!"
"The couples shares everything, right?" I smirk.
"Okay." I gasp. "I guess I should tell Mr. McCall that we aren't together anymore and maybe add the fact that we never were... hmm.."
"Okay. Fine. You won." I smile. "I will give you the money in the end of the weeks..."
"It’s a pleasure to do business with you!" I smirk and he makes his annoyed face.
"Now. What are we gonna do?"
"We? Nothing. I - have a job and you - whatever you want until whenever you want." Veronica and Reggie comes together and enter in the car. I do too.. "Enjoy your life, asshole boyfriend!" I yell from the window and wave with my hand at him.

We are finally in front of Samuel's house. Through the travel, I told my friends about the Wicked and what happend to me. From that, they stayed silent. They didn't know what to tell me, I understand them, and actually they didn't even had to - I saw the horror and sadness in their eyes.

We knock on the door, waiting for someone to answer it. A man open the door. Oh gosh. Now I know why his name sounded me familiar. It's him!...

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