Song #1

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HAVE YOU EVER LET your playlist decide on your mood for the entire day? For example you choose a  playlist, listen to it, and the songs will reflect on how your mood will be. For instance, I play sad music the moment I wake up, so the entire day I'm just...sad. Well, right now I'm lying in bed listening to a playlist called 'Monday Playlist' that's compiled by PreciousStar. I just downloaded the playlist in Spotify last night. It's mostly songs about teenage rebellion and hardships that life constantly give to adolescents. In short, it's songs that make you feel emo.

"Hey, Dad, look at me

Think back, and talk to me

Did I grow up according to plan?

And do you think I'm wasting my time

Doing things I want to do?

But it hurts when you disapproved all along"

     While Simple Plan's 'Perfect' starts playing, let me address something to you. I know what you're wondering. Why do you let music influence your mood? Well it's simple. I have no personality whatsoever. I'm just ~eh. Everything is just boring and bland. But if I close my eyes and listen to music, something inside my system wakes up. Something inside me starts feeling excited. It starts wanting to move. It starts forgetting everything. It forgets the reason why I'm so black & white. So ~eh.

    "Jeon Wonwoo!" I hear a faint voice say.

     I ignore it for a while, but I eventually hear something pounding. I open my eyes and remove my headphones, finally realizing that the pounding was actually someone aggressively knocking on my door.

    "You'll be fucking late on your first day! Get your ass out of bed now! Dad is already getting mad!" My younger brother shouts from outside my bedroom door.

    I sigh and brush my hair back in annoyance.

     "Shut the fuck up you little asshole." I mumble to myself before standing from my bed to open the door. I opened it so suddenly that my brother was actually startled.

     "I'm up." I answer him with the most unbothered voice that I could make. He was about to say something out of anger, but I ignored and walked pass his small frame, entering the bathroom and immediately closing it so he wouldn't be able to say anything any further.

     Seriously, for someone who's younger, he sure acts like an older sister. An ANNOYING older sister.

     I sigh again and finally take a quick shower before wearing my uniform and heading downstairs to see my brother already eating breakfast with my father who was only drinking coffee while reading from the newspaper. My mom, who was wearing a pink apron, was at the kitchen preparing lunch boxes.

    I try to ignore them but my father clears his throat, automatically making me stop.

    "You're not even going to greet us?" He asks me, so I turn around to face him, but his eyes were still glued to the newspaper that he was holding.

    My brother was trying not to grin in amusement, and it annoyed me even more. So while clenching hard on my fist, I bow and say, "Good Morning."

    "Again." He demands.

    I clench on my fist harder, but my mother immediately heads to the dinning room and pats my father's shoulder, "Alright, our son's going to be late. Let him be." She says before approaching me so he could hand me my lunch.

A Gay Boy's Secret Playlist ✓Where stories live. Discover now