Song #2

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 "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, SETTLE DOWN!" a teacher says the moment she entered the room.

      I didn't really mind her as my eyes were still glued on Kim Mingyu. The tall boy stares down at me too, but he didn't say anything anymore.

     How did he know what I was listening to?

     "Mr. Kim. Please take a seat." The teacher says, finally making him look away from me.

     "I'm sorry ma'am." He apologizes, and then he puts his bag on the seat beside me and sits down.

     I continue to look at him with shock. This dude is very strange and confusing. I don't know why everyone's so obsessed with him. He's starting to become more like a weirdo in my eyes.

     "I'm tall so I always sit at the back." He suddenly explains. It's not like I wanted to ask him why he decided to sit beside me.

     "You don't mind sitting beside me right?" He whispers, leaning close so I could hear him.

     I clear my throat and look away from him. I could hear him chuckle, but I tried to ignore him as best as I could. If I want to have a normal school year, it's best if I don't get involved with him in any way, which means I can't talk to him.

     "Oh, we have a new student in our class. It's rare to have someone be ranked up on the last year." The teacher suddenly says, catching my attention.

     "Mr. Jeon Wonwoo, you're from Class C right?" She asks, and I nod my head as an answer.

     She smiles brightly at me as she nods her head in approval, "Well I'm glad to hear that you're doing better academically. My name is Mrs. Choi, this class's adviser. I hope to hear more from you this year."

     Everyone was looking at me again, probably judging me from head to toe. How did a troublemaker like him be in this class? I know they're all asking that question right now. And I'm pretty sure they think I'm bringing their reputation down for being here. Well they don't have to worry. I won't be too much of a bother. They might not even feel like I'm here. That's how it's always been.

     "Well now let's proceed with the rules on our student handbook. I know you're all familiar with them by now, but it's still better if we can make a recap. So please, bring them out so we could start." Mrs. Choi says, making me curse under my breath because those handbooks were given to us last year, and I didn't bring it now since I didn't expect that we'd be using it. Lower classes don't usually check on that anymore.

     "Psst." I hear through my right ear.

     "Just ignore him and he'll stop." I thought to myself, but Kim continues to call out to me, so I was forced to look back at him.

      He doesn't say anything, but he suddenly takes out his handbook from his bag and quickly places it on top of my desk so no one could see him do it.

     Don't tell me he's going to move closer to me so we could share this. Are we seriously going to be a living rom-com anime?

     "Mrs. Choi, may I borrow yours? I forgot mine at home." He suddenly says while raising his hand. Everyone looks at him, surprised that the perfect president forgot his own handbook.

     "Forgot? You're the student body president Mr. Kim. It is important that you have it at all times." Mrs. Choi scolds.

     Oh I am not going to feel responsible for this man. I'm sure he's going to use this occurrence against me in the future. Maybe even use it to blackmail me. I better do something now before shit like that actually happens.

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