Chapter14•trust me•

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After we ate I washed the dishes and made popcorn,we're having a movie night.of course the movie choices are horror or romance ,I chose romance because why not ?

We're watching the notebook.
I sit down with the bowl of popcorn. He put the movie on and sat beside me. With one large blanket covering the both of us.
Why do I feel fuzzy and warm?..

The lights were off the only thing lighting the room was the tv.
I seemed uncomfortable apparently since he said
"want to lay down?"
I nod slowly what I didn't expect was him to lay down his head against the arm rest .

He held his arms out signaling for me to lay on top of him. He didn't seem fazed by this he didn't even blush but me on the other hand I was blushing darkly good thing the room was dark or else he would have seen.
I laid in him my head on his chest and arms around him.

He's so..warm. I didn't realize we were cuddling. I looked up to him meeting his eyes. Was he looking at me this whole time? His eyes..they're beautiful.
Hey no stop you're a villain he's a hero it won't work..

I broke from my thoughts as I noticed him leaning down before feeling a pair of lips on mine. I kissed back slowly closing my eyes.

It felt like hours but really it only lasted a couple of seconds before the kiss broke.
"Y/N..I......I love you"

How it pained me how I couldn't say it back. I sat up sitting on top of him looking away with sad eyes.
" know we can't love each other..."
"Our labels don't mean anything "

I looked back down at him.
"What if I hurt you?..what if I get hurt again..what if something happens? You could lose your job I-I just-"
He sat up and held me close
" just have to trust me..ok?"

I laid my head on his shoulder closing my eyes "ok...."
I sigh
"I'm tired"
He nodded
"Let's go to sleep"
Aizawa stood carrying me ,he turned of the tv then went upstairs to the room laying the both of us down . He kept holding me. I feel safe..

Who knows maybe...this could work...?

Thank you for 5k reads and everyone who votes and comments I will start updating every Saturday and I hope you enjoy this book so far !

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