Chapter 18 •make it stop•

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Tomura's POV

I heard y/n hit the floor shit

Overhaul hums "I apologize but a close friend of mine needs her" he points to y/n I see another female walk into the building with pitch black short hair with only the tips dyed blood red she picks up y/n

I glare holes into them watching y/n and the girl leave,dabi won't be happy "can you promise she'll be alive?"

The girl stops "she won't die but I can't say you know her after he's done with her" then she left

Time skip cus I'm lazy

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a room? Was it all a bad dream? I sit up and got out of the bed walking to the door until I was pulled my the leg making me fall "oof" I look to my left ankle

Fuck I'm chained...great. I hear the door being unlocked I quickly ran back to the bed and sat in it.

A man walked in


My eyes widen with terror and despair "I-it can't be...I killed you!" The man chuckles deeply "or so you thought you did my dear, daughter. Even if you tried to kill me you did open my eyes to the real world,now I'll crush it,using you"

"M-me? But my quirk ca-"
"-I suppose you don't know about your other quirk hm? The one you think you have now is your weak mother's quirk but you ,you inherited mine. Have you ever heard of quirk experimentation?"

I gulp and nod slowly "you,are my specimen" he grins and walks closer I try to run but the chains yanked me back a collar was out on me along with a muzzle?

He discontinued the chain from the bed and had me handcuffed "follow me" I had no other option but to listen.

He led me out of the room. I thought this was a house I've never been so wrong it's a lab...a prison...for his toys.

I look through the windows seeing people being hurt,drugged,cut,injected with unknown's horrible.

He pushed me into a room a wall divided 3/4 of the room the 1/4 must have been for observations he pushed me into the door leading to the other part ,it's all white and empty. He puts a syringe into the collar filled with yellow liquid the walked back through the door we went through a metal one he locks it.

I knew he was watching me from behind the black tinted glass. I look hearing another door open a person being pushed through wearing a dirty white outfit with the number #813 written across the chest.

A beep was heard then his sickening voice came through the speakers "y/n the drug that's about to enter you will enhance the quirk,you won't be you you'll kill and you'll only answer to my command,you'll be a killing machine" he laughs darkly before I felt a pinch in my neck.

My vision got blurry as I stumbled. I felt a sickening pain in my back it got worse I couldn't stop myself from screaming. Something sprouted from my back..wings..ugly black demon wings.. I look to the glass swing my eyes black with the iris red sharp black markings rose to my cheekbones from my jawline my teeth became shard as well as my nails they became claws I got a pounding headache as horn sprout from my head.

Kill,hunger,blood, I need human flesh,any flesh,blood.

The speakers turn on "y/n,you see that meek little human?" My head quickly turns to the human that was previously forced into the room "kill it" I snap and lunge for them I listen to their screams and cries for help....I loved it . Raising my hand I sank my claws into they're stomach then yanked it out. They screamed louder.

I only laughed
Why? Because y/n this is the real you. I am you. Who are you?

I devoured the human below me extending my wings flying in the middle of the room with a glare at the glass but a wide sharp toothed smile

I am maraj

Hey guys author-Chan here hoped you like the new chapter to the beginning of the new arc and thank you for voting reading and leaving your wonderful comments they make me so happy! And I'll see you in the next chapter.

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