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So you are outside with your best friend watching the fireworks, and you see these really cool ones coming from down the street.

You and your best friend start walking down the street to get closer to the fireworks, but you see that the new girl from your school lives there, her name is Maddie and you have math class with her

"Oh my god! I didn't know you lived here!" You say

"Yeah I moved in about a week ago from Santa Monica, CA"

You start talking and ignore the fireworks her dad was doing,

All of the sudden a car pulls up into her driveway

"Oh guys, my cousins here"

"Ok," you say, but don't pay any attention because you are glued to your phone

"Oh my god, (Y/N) !" Your best friend says

You look up and see Taylor Caniff you drop your jaw and say, "Maddie!! This is your cousin?"

"Yeah." She says

"Oh my god Taylor." you say

"Haha, das me." He says

You start to calm down after a while, and you guys just chill and watch the fireworks together

Maddie and your best friend go inside to get some soda and brownies and leaves you and Taylor alone

"Hey, come here." he says as he leads you to the back yard which leads to the lake."

"Wow, this looks beautiful." you say considering that they had tumblr-ly lights everywhere and the fireworks reflected from the water which lit up the place even more .

"So are you." He says

You start to blush and smile and ugh .

He pulls you closer and his lips crash into yours


Everything was perfect, sparks went through your body and you were so happy, you totally forgot who you were and you disconnected from the world for seconds, this was all just p e r f e c t

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