ii. after school

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jaehwa almost collapsed under all the stares she was getting. she turned to taehyung, who was still holding her arm. "taehyung-ah, you can let go of my arm now." jaehwa whispered. taehyung turned to her, letting go. "oh, sorry." he said, smiling. not knowing for sure what to do, jaehwa bowed. "um, hi. i'm kim jaehwa. i'm from myeongdong. i'm new here." she said.

"hey, jaehwa-ah!" hoseok exclaimed happily, waving to her from the windowsill he was perched upon. jaehwa's face visibly brightened. "hi, hoseok-oppa." she said back. jimin just waved. taehyung walked away from the doorway, plopping onto a desk. jaehwa slid the door closed, and took a seat in a chair. "oh my god, tae brought a girl." a voice said. jaehwa looked up, and realized that was coming from a boy with the same light red hair as her.

"so?" jaehwa asked, trying to be sassy. a boy with dark brown hair, and the tallest one there, started to talk. "wait, taehyung... oh my god. is she your girlfriend?" the darkest blush rose to jaehwa's face in an instant. "n-no!" the expression on taehyung's face was not amused. "hyung, are you serious?" he asked. the boy just started to laugh. "we just met today!" jaehwa exclaimed, the red shade on her face only getting darker.

"today? damn, tae, get some." the tall boy said, only teasing the two of them further. jaehwa's mouth dangled open, and her face was already starting to heat up. hoseok leaped off the windowsill he was on, coming to jaehwa's side. "namjoon-ah, don't do that." he said. jaehwa let out an internal sigh of relief. thank god. she thought. "look, she's a tomato now." jaehwa grumbled. when she finally thought that mess would be over, hoseok comes and riles them all up again. and jaehwa thought he would be her savior.

hoseok placed a soft hand on her forehead. his heart smile only got wider. "a hot tomato, at that." he said. the entire room burst into laughter. a small smile slowly made its way onto jaehwa's face, and soon, she was laughing, too. hoseok noticed the bright smile on the girls face and the way her shoulders shook, and he playfully shoved her. "that's the spirit." he said.

namjoon finally ceased all the laughter. "i'm kim namjoon, 3rd year." he said. soon enough, all the boys jaehwa hadn't met were introducing themselves. "min yoongi. 4th year." said the redhead boy. the youngest looking boy, who had the same dark brown hair as namjoon, had trouble looking at jaehwa. "i'm jeon jungkook. 1st year." jaehwa heard shuffling from behind her, and the oldest looking boy was soon standing in front of her.

"kim seokjin. i'm a 4th year, too." he said. jaehwa smiled subtly. "it's... nice to meet all of you." she said. taehyung leaped off the table he was on, standing in the middle of the floor. "yay. we've all introduced ourselves." he said. "now can we please stop staring jaehwa down and do something fun?" that made jaehwa laugh, watching as the boys started screaming all over again. she noticed seokjin take a seat on the desk to her.

"are you sure you're gonna be fine with us?" the eldest asked. "i noticed how uncomfortable you were when they were staring at you." jaehwa let out a giggle. "i'm gonna be okay, promise. i just... don't like being stared at." she said, looking down at her hands. "i need some excitement in my life, anyways." jaehwa heard seokjin laugh (and it honestly sounded like a windshield wiper). "i like you, jaehwa-ssi."

jaehwa looked up, and for the first time in god knows how long, her brown-green eyes brightened. "thanks." she said, her voice all bubbly like. seokjin smiled. "jaehwa!" a cheerful voice called, belonging to none other than hoseok. jaehwa leaped from her seat, running over to the older boy to partake in whatever those 6 boys were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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