That was strangely pleasant...

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Jerome jumped on the sofa, spreading out comfortably as he watched Kai start to chant, Jeremy on the opposite sofa with his eyes close. Beds of sweet rolled down Kai's forehead as he change, the magic draining him. Jerome could hear Elena and Damon talking about the suicide pact, but he didn't bother to pay attention, his thoughts drifting as he stared at Kai intently.

Jerome had never felt much aside from humour and pain, he had never cared about anyone in his life, it was always his mission to protect itself. He laughed as he watched people cry and suffer, never feeling any empathy or remorse, so why did he care so much about Kai staying alive. The thought wouldn't leave him. He had never felt so much worry for someone, he could feel his chest tighten as he watched Kai's face contort in pain and stress.

He hadn't realised he had drifted into his own mind until he heard a painful gasp, snapping his eyes open to see Liv stood behind Kai who had a poker through his chest, Elena and Damon no where to be seen. His blood stemmed to run cold in that very moment, watching Kai gasp for life..

"Bitch." Pulling out his knife, Jerome ran at her, stabbing her in the side before she flung him away with magic, grasping at her wound.

"No! What are you doing? Jeremy woke up, angrily shouting at Liv who used her magic to throw him back next to Jerome, Jeremy crashing into the table and causing glass to shatter everywhere.

"Damn sis, that was harsh." Kai chuckled, sitting up from where he had fallen in pain, clutching his wound.

"Shut up." Liv raised her hand, Kai screaming in pain as she used her magic on him. Pushing himself up, Jerome glared at the blonde, throwing a piece of glass from the ground into her neck, watching with satisfaction as she stopped the spell to moan in pain.

Kai chuckled, getting to his feet as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol, "It's all coming back to me, Livie-poo. You know the charge..." Kai paused, throwing alcohol onto Liv and she pulled the piece of glass from her neck, wincing in pain.

"Stop it, Kai!" Liv cried in pain, Jerome simply stood to the side, thankful to finally see Kai back to his normal self.

"...That races through your bones at the prospect of watching someone burn to death."

"Stop it!"

"I really miss that feeling." Kai smiled, standing in front of Liv, grabbing a candle and handling it over her.

"Oo goody." Jerome clapped his hands, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Just kill me Kai. You already killed my best friend. So just do it. Get it over with." Liv whimpered, sounding utterly defeated.

"Why can't I do this? I don't care about you." Kai's voice trailed off, sounding on the verge of tears and Jerome immediately stopped his clapping, frowning.

"Come Kai, do it. Do it! Come on! Kill her!" Kai snapped, hitting his head as he fought against himself.

"Do it, Kai, she wants you to! Ugh, if you won't then I will." Jerome rolled his eye, stepping towards them only for Liv to throw her hand up, embedding a knife into Kai's chest, causing him to gasp and fall to the ground.

Jumping in front of Kai before Liv could stab him and finish him off, Jerome grabbed the sharp edge of her blade, grunting as he stopped it from coming down onto Kai, blood dripping down his wrist from his hand. Jeremy looked on with wide eyes, not expecting to see Jerome protect anyone but himself. Using the hand not holding the blade, he swiped out and knock her to the ground with a single punch, dropping the bloody knife into her shoulder before putting Kai's arm around his shoulder and helping to support him into the kitchen with Jeremy. Jerome thought he heard Kai mutter a "thanks" but chose to ignore it.

"Send me back, please." Jeremy spoke as soon as they had gotten Kai safely into the kitchen, leaning him against the kitchen counter as he bled out.

"Jeremy, look at me. I'm half dead." Kai coughed, barely able to stay conscious as Jerome put pressure on his wounds.

"I need to stop Bonnie."

"Okay." Kai sighed, looking down and nodding.

"No! It'll kill him." Jerome glared daggers at Jeremy, daring him to object.

"Only vampire blood can help him now, if you want to save him then let him do this and then we'll heal him. You've poisoned me, I'll die if he does, why would I risk that?"

"Oh yeah...the poison isn't real, sorry. Just had to keep sure you wouldn't kill Kai." Jerome shrugged, keeping his eyes on Kai and ignoring Jeremy who glared at him dangerously.

"J-jerome, its okay." Jerome growled, he hated to feel this weak and powerless.

Kai started to weakly chant, him and Jeremy falling unconscious as the spell worked. Jerome sat up alert when Kai started to shake, his blood pooling beneath him. Rushing to his side, he started slipping Kai's face, trying desperately to wake him up.

"What the hell?" Jerome flinched back as his hand on Kai's cheek started to glow red, a sharp pain stinging through him. His eyes widened when he realised that in Kai's weak state he had started to siphon the dark magic which resurrected Jerome.

"Oh I'm so gonna regret this." Rolling his eyes and sighing, Jerome reached forwards, placing both of his hands on either side of Kai's face. Groaning, he felt the pull and saw the red glow come from where their skin was touching. His skin felt like it was on fire, his blood boiling as he cried out, trying to ignore the pain. Elena and Damon ran into the room, both watching on with wide eyes as Jerome coughed up a bit of blood and Kai's eyes snapped open. Jeremy gasped awake, Elena cradling him as Jerome fell backwards exhausted.


"What happened?"Damon spoke up, walking forwards to give Kai his blood when seeing the blood all over him.

"Jerome?! What did you do?" Kai dated forwards once he was fully aware and healed, his gaze falling on an unconscious Jerome who had a trail of blood running out of his cracked lips.

Gasping painfully, Jerome woke up to a dim light above him, lifting his head confused he sat up and gazed around his surroundings. He was in a empty dorm room.

"Finally you're awake, what the hell were you thinking?" Kai's voice broke through the room as he entered through the door, he looked worried.


"You made me siphon you, had it been any longer and you'd be dead. You're only alive as long as you have that magic keeping you alive." Kai sat next to him on the sofa, running his eyes over him to check his condition.

" I thought I had lost you for a second."

"Are these those emotions talking?" Jerome lent forwards frowning, why did Kai care about him, nobody cared about him.

Taking a deep breathe and before he could regret it, Kai jumped forwards, pressing his lips to Jerome's scarred ones. Jerome froze before he smirked into the kiss, biting at Kai's lip to deepen the kiss.

"Hmm that was strangely it again." Jerome broke the kiss, giggling insanely whilst Kai chuckled and kissed him again.

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