Stand up for Me

488 11 4

David POV:

I got back from my walk around 5 pm and Max had fallen asleep so I put him in the baby crib. I checked my phone to see a missed call from Gwen. I was about to call back but then I got a text from her. It said, 'We found out this so-called element doesn't exist. Please tell me Max is going well on the checklist.' I immediately felt bad for Gwen and the campers having to drive all the way there for nothing. I responded, 'OH NO THAT MUST BE TERRIBLE TO DO ALL THAT FOR NOTHING! Max still has to stand and take his first steps.'

I look over to see if Max is still sleeping but to see him not in his crib. My heart drops and I drop my phone. I decide to call the police to report a kidnapping. I lean down to pick up my phone and I see Max standing at the foot of the crib. Standing. He is standing. I crouch down and hold my arms out in hopes that Max will walk to me too. He looks at me and sits down and then crawls to me. I hang my head and laugh while picking him up. I pick up my phone as well to see it has a crack from the top to the right corner now. I internally curse as I text Gwen, 'Nevermind. Just steps now.'

It is now 8:25 pm and Max fell asleep in my arms for an hour and a half. I just wanted to make sure that he will sleep through the night without having me wake up. Eventually, another hour and a half passed before I could barely stay awake. I placed Max down and as I laid down I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to screeching again. I groaned as I looked over at the crib. Max is screaming his head off and is standing up with one foot on top of the sidebar of the crib. I get out of bed as fast as I can and grab Max to make sure that he doesn't fall out. I hold him against my chest and rock him while rubbing his back. I sit on my bed while my eyes start to droop down and before I know it, I'm asleep again.

I woke up slowly and I realize that I'm on my bed with my feet at the pillow end. I'm laying on my back with a little bit of weight on my stomach. I look down to see Max laying on his stomach on my stomach. His head is resting on his arm and a little bit of drool is leaking out of his mouth. He looks so peaceful sleeping. I run a hand through his hair while my other hand is leaning myself up. I shift Max to move off me and to lay on the bed.

Time skip

It has been four and a half days since Gwen and the other campers left and they were about to come back in less than an hour. Max still hasn't taken his first steps. I was trying to encourage Max to walk for a couple of minutes when I heard a bus horn from outside. I jumped and it scared Max to where he fell down from standing up. I picked him up and walked outside to see all the campers unloading from the bus. Almost all of them ran over and gave attention to Max, some cooing over him and some are saying how he's a lot less mean like this. I passed Max over to Ered so they could continue to give attention to him as I walked over to Gwen who looked like she was going to pass out at any second. I put a hand on her shoulder and say, "Gwen, why don't you go get some rest." Gwen didn't give a reply, instead, she just walked toward the councilor's cabin. I hear the familiar sound of Max crying. I look over to see Max crying in Preston's arms while reaching towards Gwen. She glances for one second and then picks him up and continues to the counselor's cabin. The sun was about to set and the kids looked pretty tired, so I ushered them to their tents for rest. Once everyone was asleep, I went back to the counselor's cabin to see Gwen asleep on her bed. She had one hand out in front of her. That hand was being clung to by baby Max. Gwen's other hand was supporting Max's back while they both were fast asleep. 

Max didn't even need a bottle. 

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