~kyouhaba~ Part 2

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Kyoutani flinched. He was thinking about the boy he met today and didn't noticed his father coming into the room.

"yes father?" kyoutani said to his father and turned to look at the stars again.

"are u okay my boy? You seemed skeptical during the dinner" his father said with a worrying tone. After kyoutanis mother died, both him and his father were a little distant. So his father wanted to change that and start their relationship again.

"father. I met a cute boy today at the Town and I can't stop thinking about him. Am I going to be okay?"

His father was shocked. He didn't expect his son to like a boy, but he knew that the boy that he met was special because kyoutani never cared for others than his family.

" my boy. It's completely normal don't worry. I think you might like him." his father winked at him and poor kyoutani started blushing.

"f-father!"kyoutani said while he was blushing

" hehe, I am sorry son. I think that you are gonna see him again at the ball, and if you do, ask him out to dinner here" his father smiled and the continued talking.

"king Iwazumi!" said a soldier and burst into the room. It was kindaichi.

"yes kindaichi?" Iwazumi said at the young soldier

"should we sent people out tomorrow to officially tell when the ball is going to happen?"

"yes of course." king Iwazumi said with the smile and the young soldier got out of the room.

"son, don't think much about it. I am sure he is a great person if u think about him"

"okay father" said kyoutani and walked his father out of the room.

After some while at the balcony again, he got back inside his room and started to put his night clothes on. "I can't wait until the tomorrow " kyoutani said and he went to sleep.

Back to yahaba

Yahaba got of his bed, after all the crying last night and he went down town again before anyone from his family would see him. The poor boy wanted some free air from all the pressured he felt at home.

As he was walking, he heard one of the kings soldiers talking about the ball. As he was listening, he heard many people talking about the prince and the beautiful prince yahaba met yesterday came right into his mind. Yahaba thought it was bad someone like him to think that he had a chance with the him and all of those thoughts were just a waste of time. But that poor boy, he had fallen in love with the prince. As he came back to his senses from the all the thought he heard that the ball was today at night.

When he heard that he run back home, to clean the house and to make dinner so he could have free time picking his outfit. Both of his brothers and his father had their outfit ready so it was only him who needed to find out what to wear. After the dinner, as he was going upstairs, both of his brothers stopped and trapped him in the corner.

"yahaba-Chan you are not going to the ball with us" said hanamaki and his bother giggled

"exactly, u are only gonna embarrass us with your ugliness"

Both of the them laughed and yahaba was looking down ready to burst into tears.

"boys!" their father said.

"leave yahaba alone you have better things to do like getting ready for the ball. We are leaving in a few hours"

His brothers nobbed at their father and left yahaba alone.

His father stayed at the same place and glared at yahaba.

"don't u even try to get at the ball today
He said and left. Yahaba stood at the same place. He had a blank face. He was emotionally unstable this time. He started running out of the house to a forest near that. That forest was were his mom would take him when she was alive. Inside the forest there was a beautiful place with places to sit and a fountain. It was at the evening and it started getting colder but yahaba didn't ever realized it. When he got to that place he started crying harder under a really big tree there.

As he was crying something started glowing behind him. As some moments passed he heard a voice

"dear..?" said a voice peacefully.

Yahaba got scared and hoped from his fear. He looked quickly at the person behind him and he saw a boy his age.

"hello, dear I am watari. You fairy god father"

When yahaba heard that he didn't believed neither his eyes nor his ears. He remembered when his mother told him about fairies in fairy tales but he never actually believed.

"he-hello mister watari, can I help you with anything?" he awkwardly said and watari looked him in the eye and rised an eyebrow.

"dear, I am here to help you make an outfit and find someone to get you to the ball" watari said with a big smile on his face.

"but father said I must not go" he looked down and he remembered his father's glare.

"sorry for my language dear but, f*ck your father!" watari said as he was kinda pissed.

"we are talking about what YOU want here and not what your father wants!!"

Yahaba was shocked. He didn't believed that this stranger said such a think. He seemed so pure and innocent.

"so, take a breath dear and close your eyes, because I am gonna make you look fabulous" yahaba listen to that fairy and closed his eyes. He suddenly felt something wrapping him and when he opened his eyes he couldn't believe them. He had a beautiful and elegant white outfit.

(okay so this is the writer and I want to tell u that I am sorry but I don't know how to describe outfits because you see English isn't my native language so I am sorry, but just so I can help you imagine is kinda what prince charming wore but it's all white and kinds feminine uwu)

Yahaba was so happy but he thought he didn't deserved it. But still he thanked the fairy god father many time.

"we are not done yet dear. We need to make you a something that can take you there" he looked around to find something to transform and luckily he found a big pumpkin. With his magic stick he made the pumpkin fly and he transformed it into a carriage. Also watari knew that they would need some people for the carriage to move so with his magic stick he reveal two mouse out of nowhere and two beautiful horses. He transformed the mouse into 2 humans and he wrapped the horses with something to the carriage. Not even watari knew what he was doing. He was new at this job.

After sometime everything was perfect and watari was proud of himself.

"okay now dear, it's 9 o'clock. I want you to remember that in 12 all the magic disappears so I want you to be on guard okay?"

"yes of course, don't worry"

As yahaba was getting on the carriage, watari noticed yahabas shoes and stopped him right there

"dear could u come back down please" watari said and yahaba came down quick.

"what's wrong mister?" said yahaba

"your shoes dear, they are brown and your outfit in white. We need to change that."

Said watari and took out his magic stick and pointed at yahaba shoes. After some seconds his shoes transformed into some comfy shiny Croom crystal shoes.

"wow, thank u so much mister watari!" yahaba was so happy that he almost started crying.

"don't cry dear, you deserved it for all the things you have been through. Now go the prince in waiting! " watari said with a smile and with the blink of the eye he disappeared. When watari left, yahaba got in the carriage and the carriage started his way to the castle.


I cut it here because it came out way to long that I expected uwu💧
Hehe, I hope u liked it though


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