Author's Note

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I'm so glad people enjoyed my work! It was quite fun writing these 2 Five Nights at Freddy's stories, and it was fun seeing what you guys thought of them!

As far as a possible trilogy (which many seem to be requesting), I do think that would be great, but since an actual Five Nights at Freddy's sequel will be released next year, I think I'll wait until then.

I want to thank all of my fans from the bottom of my heart for supporting me. Your support is what keeps me motivated to write!

On that note, I am currently working on other stories, including "An Awsome Life", "The Purge: Surviving Another Night", and "Plants vs. Zombies". If you haven't done so yet, go check those out and give me some feedback!

Again, I wanna thank everyone for reading my stories. And I can't wait until FNAF 2 is released so we can have even more fun with it! No rush, though, Scott! :)

With that, I'll see you all next time!


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