TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED ▬ jaime lannister

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TITLE: *Tales Of The Unexpected.
LOVE INTEREST: Jaime Lannister.
FACE CLAIM: Saoirse Ronan.

SUMMARY:The war that has erupted between House Stark and House Lannister has caused Westeros to be in great despair

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The war that has erupted between House Stark and House Lannister has caused Westeros to be in great despair. All Seven Kingdoms are paying the price for the wolves battling the lions as every day more people are killed. In an effort to end the bloodshed, and to see the safe return of his brother — who has been captured by Robb Stark — Tyrion Lannister suggests to his father that a marriage alliance is the only thing to save them from Joffrey's ill fated decision to have Ned Stark executed. Tywin agrees and suggests to Robb that his aunt Líadan marry Jaime and end the war with a solid alliance. Wanting an end to the devastation, Robb agrees. But can a marriage really hold the Seven Kingdoms together? Especially when the husband and wife despise each other?


The name of the original character and the book can be changed but the face claim is non negotiable. I can't imagine anyone else portraying the character.

Líadan is younger than Ned but older than Benjen and Lyanna. She and Ned were and still are the closest of all the siblings. When he lost Lyanna, it made him terrified of losing Líadan too — so he never pressured her into marrying as he wanted to keep her safe at Winterfell.

• She is a very intelligent and politically minded. She spends most of her time in the library learning and was is versed in most areas.

• She is not a skilled fighter but she is not opposed to girls becoming fighters. She fully supports Arya and reads up on archery to find the best techniques for her to use. She does however enjoy riding and sailing — despite not getting the chance to do it often.

• She and Jaime really dislike each other first. She dislikes him because he disgusts her (with his relationship to Cersei) and because he attacked Ned. He dislikes her because she's got a temper, is difficult with him and is the reason he can no longer be with Cersei.

• This is the ultimate slow burn — but eventually it must lead to a form of love and respect. Jaime definitely has it in him to fall in love with someone other than Cersei. But you can't just have him forget Cersei immediately and fall for Líadan.

• Their marriage is meant to halt the war between House Stark and Lannister — but it's up to you if you continue it or if you have other problems in the Kingdoms. You still have Renly, Stannis, the Greyjoy's and Daenerys to think of as well as the White Walkers.

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