chapter 4

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Wednesday, 15

Mr. Simpsons made us laugh our hearts out during his lesson. He was describing how he made it to where he is and menn, it was so hilarious. During lunch, I was having stomach aches so I decided to stay in class and rest. Deep into my rest, I felt a tap. It was Jackie who was cheerfully pulling me to the students notice board.

The hallway to the notice board was pretty occupied with students eager to know their results and placings.

'Everyday it's Aaron placing first and Tori placing second.'

This were the murmurings I heard in the hallway. Jackie came out from crowd happy because she placed 35th making her the 3rd top scoring students in the B class.

She then turned and hugged me telling me that I placed 5th. I doubted her and went to check myself and it was true - I placed 5th.

The appearance of Tori made all the students silent. A way was paved for her till she ended up at where I stood.

'Ahh, you again. Congrats, you're the only new student we've got in our class. Mmm, impressive. From 40th to 5th, nice try'.

Really, I never knew Tori was...erh.

My mom was really proud of me, so was my dad and Emelia. I called Chris and told him of my success and he congratulated me.

In the evening, I felt so scared because I kept remembering Tori's words. I called Emelia and told her everything. She advised me to play safe and be myself.


Thursday, 16

First day in my new class. Mr Kode, the A class teacher rearranged us according to our grades; from the 1st to the 4th occupied the back column with the 5th to the 8th occupying the next column and it continues.

OMG! Why does this keep occurring
*I first sat by Aaron at the lab, then I meet him whiles jogging and now I sit in front of him in class.

Why me, why me, why me.

During class periods, I couldn't turn my neck, I couldn't even write not because of Aaron but because of Tori; her threats we're more deadly than Mary's.

Lunch time approached. Tori came to me and sat next to me.

'Ms. Daniella, I noticed you are really loving it here. Don't worry, Aaron would soon get to know you better in a negative way. As you already know, Aaron belongs to me only and anyone who cares get closer to him would be ok'.

God, she keeps on speaking about Aaron. Have I even told her that I like him?.

Rita, a cool girl in my class just approached me and welcomed me. She told me not to mind Tori cause she's just jealous of me.

I went out for lunch and sat close to my B hommies. I told them every shit that went on in the A class including that of Tori's threats. They warned me to be careful of her and to my surprise ,Mary told me to pursue my goals and make the B class proud.
That's a family😍😍😍😍😘


Friday, 17

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