-Lee Felix and his Small Tea 'Accident'-

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"Ah, Modern dance. That makes much more sense, I thought it was like ballet or something."

"I have tried ballet before. Until my mom cut my classes," Felix shrugs, standing in front of his classroom door. He was a few minutes late but, he guessed he could stay a few more minutes with Changbin, considering how they began a debate on Fornite and PUBG

"Thank you, hyung, for... What you did earlier-" Felix began to feel shy, cheeks burning and swallowing a lump in his throat. He nods, meeting Changbin's eyes for a quick second before looking down. He smiles small, trying to keep the smile from growing any bigger or spreading. "I didn't think I would've survived without your help."

"Yah! Finally, you thank me!" Changbin hits at Felix's arm. "And next time, just say something for fuck's sake! You're always so quiet I can't hear you most of the time."

"Sorry, hyung," Felix bowed.

"Aish... " Changbin scoffs but smiled small at Felix, the younger staring at him. "I had fun today. Take care of yourself, yeah?"

Felix smiles, nodding, waving as Changbin walks down the hallway and out the double doors.

It was quiet, full of awkwardness and- holy shit- Felix found himself sighing to himself, smiling and staring at Changbin's direction. He guessed the guy wasn't too bad once you get to know him. He's an asshole sometimes- most of the time- but like every human, he cares when he needs to. Guess that was off the list of what Changbin could be. The guy wasn't a serial killer.

A loud thump resonated from behind his classroom door, followed by a yell and a sigh and an insult from Hyunjin.

"Goddamn it, Jisung, why are you here?!" Hyunjin yelled, the sound of scrambling feet thumping against the dance floor.

"Ah! Minho! Help me! Hyunjin is pulling my leg! Oh, my fucking God! It's a shark!"

Minho opens the door, meeting a questioning Felix as he mutters a small greeting.

"Sorry, I forgot to clean the floor of two idiots. Hope you understand Jikseu," The purple-haired man motions to Hyunjin pulling at Jisung's leg, the younger, dark-haired Korean pulling the older to the floor before he makes a run for it, the other dancers in the class scrambling out of their way before they get trampled over.

"Come back here, you donkey headass!" Hyunjin hisses.

"Hi! Felix! That Changbin- Ah!" Jisung yelps as Hyunjin tackled him to the floor, flicking his forehead, kicking his ass. Jisung groans in pain, rubbing his butt as he picks himself off the floor, whining and whimpering to Minho. "Minhhoooo!" Jisung cried. "Why aren't you protecting me?"

"Why are you even here in the first place? It's your choice for being here dumbass!" Minho hissed.

"Ouch- Felix, please tell me you want your hyung to be here," Jisung pleaded, eyes wide.

Felix only shrugged, Jisung falling to the floor as he wipes imaginary tears.

"Yah, Han Jisung, I don't think you're allowed here. You know how many times seonsaeng-nim has gotten mad at you for being here?" Kwon Soonyoung called from the other side of the room.

"Yeah, no offense Han Jisung, but-" Xu Minghao coughed. "You're too loud."

"Soonyoung hyung. Minghao hyung," Jisung pleaded. "I promise I'll be quiet! I'm just trying to cheer on my Oppa here," he wraps an arm around Minho's neck, the older pushing him away as he flicks his forehead.

"Aish, we're not dating Jisung! How many times-"

"Everyone to the wall, come on!" The standing students all scurried against the mirror, Jisung squeezing beside Felix and Minho with a small smile.

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