Part 5

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Izukus POV

Izuku stood up and just wanted to run so he can find some help but Katsuki didn't let him go "deku!listen to me!" "No!you raped me!he-hmm!" Katsuki covered Izukus mouth again and said "if you tell it someone the police will inform ua and our teacher will show pity to you and your mom would think that you couldn't do anything about it and not just our teacher will be informed about this other teachers including all might will know about this what will all might think about you?yeah he will feel sorry for you and you will be considered as useless again" Katsukis words triggered something in Izuku because that remembered him of his mom who was sorry for him and the doctor who told him that he doesn't get a quirk who showed pity to him and the supervisors from the kindergarten who looked at him like his grandma or dog died or something.izuku then said nothing before he took a deep breath and called his mother Katsuki let go of midoriya before he put on his clothes. "Hello?Izuku is everything ok?you are 14 minutes late where are you?" "Im sorry im Still at the park with Katsuki and-" "can I talk to him for a second?" "Ehm...sure? Kacchan my mom wants to talk to you..." Katsuki just looked annoyed before he snatched the phone out of Izukus hand and said "hello?" "Hello bakugou I didn't heard about you for a while how are you and what did you do today with Izuku?" "I'm fine thanks and de- I mean Izuku and I where talking about school and stuff and we where talking so much that we lost track of time" "ok so everything is all right?" "Ehm yes" "ok thank you bring my son home safe" "wait wha-" but before he could ask Izukus mom about what she meant with bringing Izuku safe home she ended the call.Izuku hold in his sobs as he was putting on his clothes he was disgusted from Katsuki and himself as his body felt dirty he just wanted to shower right now and he just couldn't look at Katsuki anymore after he did this to him he then stood up and took his phone from Katsukis hand before he walked away out of the forest but Katsuki walked beside him before he walked in front of him "can you please go away..." "what did you just say?" "..." "stupid deku your fucking mom told me to bring you home so shut the fuck up!" Izuku then said nothing as they walked in silence.they then arrived at Izukus home and izuku ringed before his mom opened the door hugging him "oh god you are ok Izuku thank you Katsuki for bringing my little Izuku safe home" "no problem...i need to go now...bye" Katsuki then walked home while Izuku went inside just to go directly to his room and he said "I'm going to sleep mom I'm really tired" "ok but please brush your teeth and put on your pyjamas" "yes Mom" Izuku went to the bathroom and before he brushed his teeth he took a shower and washed himself he felt like Katsukis hands are all over his body and it made him cry in frustration before he turned off the shower and walked to the sink where he splashed some cold water on his face.he felt bad and his stomach started to twirl before he ran to the toilet and puked in it at the thought what Katsuki did to him today he just wanted to forget it.he then brushed his teeth and put on his pyjamas before he went to his room and lay down on his bed and closed his eyes.Izuku couldn't sleep he woke up every hour because of a nightmare and izuku couldn't hold in his sobs anymore before he started crying.Izuku was walking to school looking tired and exhausted and ochako noticed that "deku-kun are you all right?" "Yes I just didn't sleep very well" "ok" Izuku then stopped in his tracks when he saw Katsuki and he started walking faster while his eyes where getting glassy *I just can't see him right now...too many memories I just can't...* " deku-kun why are you so nervous?did Katsuki do something to you?" "Ehm no I just don't want to deal with him r right now.." "ok?" Ochako then saw how Katsuki glared at Izuku and izuku flinched at this.

Ochakos POV

*Something isn't right between those two but I think it's normal for them?I think thats not my business I should stay out of this...* thought ochako before she sat down on her seat. *Why is bakugou starring at deku-kun all this time...thats creepy...but why am I starring at bakugou who starres at deku-kun all this doing this for research!* "uraraka are you listening right now or are you just starring at your classmate?"
"Oh I'm sorry I just-" "we don't have time for your lovely dovely feelings at ua-" "b but bakugou is starring at deku-kun all the time" "well that isn't your business now what was I saying...oh yeah well..." aizawa continued to talk about what they will do today and ochako was still red in her face because of aizawas lovely dovely comment.

Katsukis POV

*why is fucking roundface starring at me?!did shittynerd tell her something about yesterday?!I will ask him about it later but if he did I would hope that roundface will keep her mouth shut* later the student's needed to go to the locker room so they can change into their normal sport uniform or costume and Katsuki went to where Izuku was putting on his costume and izuku turned around when he felt someone behind him and he was panicking when he found out that it was Katsuki "I need to ask you something about roundface" "......" Izuku couldn't speak or look at Katsuki and Katsuki was getting really annoyed before he growled in Izukus ear "did you tell her something about yesterday?" Izuku felt really uncomfortable having Katsuki so near him and he felt some guy's from the class staring at him and he just wanted it to stop.He then gulped anxious before he answered Katsukis question "n no..." "good because if you did you know what would happen" whispered Katsuki in Izukus ear before leaving him alone and izuku could breath again because he felt like he was holding his breath when Katsuki was so near him.

Ejiros POV

"What do you think where they talking about?" Asked Denki curios Ejiro who was curios too "I don't know what actually happened between those two but I will ask bakugou about it he might tell me what happened" "I don't think so everybody knows that he has anger issues I will ask midoriya about it because he seems like a really nice guy" said Denki to Ejiro before he went to izuku.Ejiro then went to where bakugou was sitting and he sat beside him before saying "hey I'm kirishima ejiro and you are bakugou right?" Bakugou just stared at him for a moment before saying "do I look like I care?" Ejiro just brushed Katsukis mean answer off before talking with him and Katsuki just ignored him but then he saw Denki talking to izuku and Katsuki got a little bit pissed off by this and ejiro noticed this "is midoriya a close friend of yours?" "What?!no he is just a stupid deku!why would you think that that shitty nerd is somehow close to me?!" "I don't know he calls you Kacchan and you come from the same middle school so yeah" "well I am not his friend or anything close to that!" "Ok?" Ejiro just didn't know why bakugou is so aggresive about this topic but he will know sooner or later as he was walking away from bakugou greeting midoriya nicely who was talking to Denki right now "hey kaminari told me about you your kirishima am I right?" "Yes nice to meet you" "thanks same to you well kaminari told me that you are confused about why I call Kacchan by a nickname well the reason behind this is that we where friends in kindergarten but then we didn't talk to each other much and now we aren't friends anymore" "but why?you two could be the best bros" "I don't know things change..."

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