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Both feet are stumbling..

Every limb is quaking...

Burning from inside..

Yet his skin is cool to the touch...

"No.. N-No!" A Pale, red haired man falls to his knees, sobbing. "W-W-Why..?"
His voice cracks as he tries to speak,
"God.. W-Why m-me...?" He chokes out, tears streaming down his pale cheeks and into his aching mouth.
The Man stays there, kneeling on the forest floor.. Shaking...

"F-Food.." He suddenly stammers, his sightless Eyes gazing into the darkness of the forest. For this man is blind... And oh so Hungry!

He hiccups, crying on the damp forest floor that is littered with sharp twigs and strong smelling leaves. Smells sit heavily in the air, making the poor Man's head pound even harder with pain.

"S-Stop it." He says weakly through his quivering lips. "P-P-Pull Your-Yourself to-together M-Matt!" His voice almost like a hiss...
Matt pushes himself up, leaning against a nearby tree for support. His legs still shake, feeling wobbly and sore from running so fast... In such little time.

"Fire." Matt says, finally managing to make his voice sound flat and firm. Like it should be. "Make a fire." He tells himself. "T-Then food.." he adds, his mind racing and mouth feeling uncomfortably dry.

If he was gonna survive out here, he needed to find a place to sleep, or to just rest his legs at most. Matt swallows thickly, taking step after step through the spaces between the trees. There was no path, so Matt just wanders aimlessly around every tree and through the crowded forest. He finally finds a big enough space between two trees, one of them huge and sturdy while the other is small and flimsy.

Matt's stomach churns, pain shooting through his entire body in a white-hot flashes. He throws his body against the larger tree for support. "Grraaahhh!" Matt yells out, his body going stiff, and tears threatening to spill over and onto his cheeks again. He huffs and pants out of his mouth, praying and pleading for God to just make it to stop already!

The waves stop ripping through after a few minutes or so, making Matt's body collapse with exhaustion. Relief. "T-Thank you.." He murmurs, knowing that at least God would be able hear him... To listen to him. He closes his eyes, laying his head against the tree's prickly bark, which scratched and poked at the back of his head a bit but he honestly couldn't care any less at the moment. "Make.. A fire." He says again, to stubborn to give in to his exhaustion just yet.

The next few hours were filled with mind boggling stubbornness, and hard working limbs. His body felt so tired, but he was a Murdock. They don't stay down for long. Matt lowers himself back to the ground, shifting his legs a little bit in order to get comfortable. Finally... He thinks.
Matt has his fire.

Werewolf Frank X Vamp Matt AU bookWhere stories live. Discover now