chapter 6: not ready enough

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"when I was in hell, I heard talk of a coming attempt by shinnok to enslave earthrealm" I explained "we need to prepare the armies and the city"

"Okay, I know a guy" Jay replied

He pulled put his phone and called someone called Archer Vance, from a neighboring city.

"Hey Arch" Jay said    

"JAY!, its been a while buddy how are you?" Archer called

"let's cut to the chase, I need soldiers, black ops, cobras if possible"

"wait wait wait, the cobras? as in the cartel?" I asked

'Yeah, shut up" Jay responded with harsh tone

"how many men do you need? 10? 100? 500?" Archer asked

"Try 5,000" Jay told him

"Um okay in guess I can get you that, why the hell would you need 5000 black ops cartel soldiers?"

"You make profit off of war, I am in the passenger seat of the guy who was the first Batman, it doesn't  matter just get me the men"  Jay said "See you soon  Dragon" He finished

"This guy's shirai code name is Dragon?" I asked

"Yeah, but he isn't a fighter anymore, he's a private defense contractor, and a gang owner, he leads the Carmine mafia family. He also owns the Cobras, or ..."

"P.R.M, I've been after one of their guys for almost a year now, they call him seven, he's the brother of  a mid level drug smuggler named Viper, his real name is Michael Sanchez." I explained

" I've heard of Viper,what do you need seven for?" he asked

" He worked for Kano back in the day, shot Takeda through the knee, tore his ACL, now some of Kano's operations are operating on the down low, so I'm gathering info to bankrupt them for good"

" Seven is dead, he has been for three years and Viper is off the radar"

"Let's go get tell the crew back in Bludhaven about the war"

                          TIME TO GATHER THE ARMY ONCE AGAIN

6 survivors part 3: A world in debtWhere stories live. Discover now