Story Ideas

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Okay so I've had these two for a while and I figured I'd share, since I don't feel like writing them.

The first one is kinda complicated so try and follow me.

Basically this "normal" kid has super vivid dreams every night of his life. They all seem to be linked together and continue the same story every night, as if he lives 2 different lives. But these dreams are most likely fantasy based somehow.

Eventually these dreams drive him mad enough so that he goes and sees a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist is really interested, like, absurdly interested. The story would mostly be told through the retelling of the guy to the psychiatrist or when he goes to sleep and dreams.

That's the first one. I had an ending in mind but it's kinda bleh.

The second one, hopefully, is easier to follow.

So basically a child writer with a super vivid imagination comes up with all of these characters. But her overactive imagination is "diagnosed" as some disorder, maybe schizophrenia or ADD or the thing where you daydream so hard you dissociate. She's put on meds or something and they all fade away and she grows up as an adult, forgetting them (and her abandoned projects).

But then she would get in trouble somehow, like a thief or something like that. Then one of her characters would probably up and rescue her and be like "you may have forgotten us but we didn't forget you"

Idk I'm just ranting at this point. You can use these ideas if you want idgaf XD

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