Chapter 3: Washington

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 This day seems never ending for Clementine. It hasn't been bad, but she's pretty sure that she screwed up everything during that card game at lunch. Violet still seemed chill when they were all walking home, but Louis and Marlon were distant. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

"Clem! AJ! Wash up for dinner!" Carley calls up to them from downstairs. She rolls off her bed and stumbles into the hallway. AJ is already at the sink in the bathroom washing his hands.

"Hey, goofball," she says. Clementine leans against the doorway, waiting for him to be done. She notices a frown on his face as he turns around to dry his hands. "What's the matter?"

He looks up at her with sorrowful eyes. "I don't like goofball. I'm too big for it," he sourly states. She presses her lips together. He only turned seven a few weeks ago, though he seemed so much more grown up.

"Would you prefer shitbird?" she tease, finally making him giggle.

"No," he says in between laughs. "That's mean." He makes his way downstairs as Clementine washes her hands. She's glad she got him to laugh; he probably feels just as lonely as she does right now. Carley calls for her again as she dries her hands. "I'm coming," she yells back.

AJ is setting the table when she enters the dining room, laughing again when he sees Clementine. "What's so funny?" Lee asks, looking at his two children. The pair look at each other, not sure what to say. Lee would be so mad if he knew she swore in front of AJ.

"I don't know," she answers. He didn't buy it. Lee begins to question further until Carley brings out dinner. "Thank God! I'm starving," she states, taking a seat across from AJ.

The family settles down at the table, digging into the chicken parmesan and pasta that Carley made. AJ eats like a pig, angering Carley. "Manners, AJ," she sternly tells him. He cleans up the mess he has made before eating again, this time more slowly. As dinner comes to a close, Carley speaks again. "Clementine, how was school today?"

She knew the question was coming and although she didn't have the best day, she didn't mind talking about it either. "Pretty good actually," she says. Lee looks up from his plate, startled a little by what she had said. "I met a really nice group of people."

"That's great, sweet pea," Lee announces. She can hear the pride in his voice, making her smile. "Any boys?" he asks cheekily. Her face instantly go red.

"Two walked her home," Carley answers before Clementine gets the chance to. "They seemed nice."

"Yeah. They are and so is my friend Violet," she quickly states before Lee can ask about Marlon and Louis again. "I got to shadow her today because we have the same schedule and it was really helpful."

Lee grumbles something under his breath, causing Carley to roll her eyes. "That's great, Clem," Carley says to her. Lee gives Clem a half hearted smile. Even though he isn't her biological dad, he is still very VERY protective over her. She was shocked when Lee let her have Duck in her room back in Washington. Now she had to warm him up to more of her guy friends. Great!

The next day

Clementine stands outside the side entrance to the school, silently praying today goes better. She's a little timid because she's not shadowing Violet again. Today, she's completely on her own. She wonders if the group will hang out with her at lunch again or even greet her as she passes by. It makes her nervous that she may have to face this day entirely alone.

She takes a deep breath and goes inside, leaving the cold winter air behind her. The halls are filled with many groups of students. Some stand by their lockers while others hang out around the doors to the classroom. Clementine realizes she never stopped by her locker yesterday and concludes that she probably should. She has so many textbooks and binder in her bag, she's surprised she was able to carry it home yesterday.

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