Chapter 5: Homework

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Warning: Mild sexual content later in the chapter

Clementine seems to be running late today. She was always late back in Washington, but she made it a goal of hers to be on time here. The school bell rings, signaling three minutes until class time. She scurries down the hall, hoping to have time to stop at her locker before the last bell. Her textbooks lay haphazardly in her locker, loose pieces of paper thrown inside. She grabs her English workbook, slams her locker, then runs down the hall. The last bell rings as she walks into the classroom. "Cutting it close, Clementine," Mr. Walt says, shutting the door behind her. She feels her face turn bright red as she makes her way to her seat. Louis and Violet give her a friendly smile as she passes by.

"Don't you think you're cutting it close," Marlon jokes. Clementine suppresses a giggle, a grin appearing on her face. That isn't the only time he'll make her laugh today. Marlon passes Clementine a note when Mr. Walt is facing the board. She stares at it, then at the blonde next to her. He presses his lips together in anticipation.

She rolls her eyes, picking up the folded page. Opening it up, she sees scribbled words she can barely read. "Cute penmanship," she whispers, making him look down at his workbook to observe his chicken scratch. He shrugs.

"Just read it," he says. Violet turns around, hearing the whispering behind her. Immediately she sees the note. A smile creeps on her face as she shakes her head, facing the board once again. What on earth has Clementine gotten herself into? She takes a deep breath before reading the words Marlon wrote. Funny how both you AND Louis were running late this morning. Coincidence? I don't believe in those.

Clementine looks up at the dread head in front of her, wondering why he was also running late this morning. She really didn't want to talk about how her morning went, so she simply writes back that she overslept. Marlon gives her a side eye glance, not buy it.

"Any questions on the homework?" Mr. Walt asks after showing all the answers on the board. No one raises their hand. "Good. Today we will be doing group work. Four people per group. Try not to move around a lot. Use the people around you." Luckily for Clementine, the people she wants to work with are all around her.

Louis and Violet turn their desks around to face Marlon and Clementine. They open to the correct page and begin working. She is actually shocked at how hard Marlon and Violet work in school. Her old friends back in Washington were never ones to focus. Maybe that's why she fell so behind there. With this group, she knows it will be different.

Mr. Walt walks around the classroom, checking in with each group. Once he stops looking over their shoulders, Marlon switches the subject. "So Lou," he begins, making the dread head grimace. What was he going to ask this time? "Why were you late this morning?"

"Overslept," he quickly replies. His cheeks instantly go red.

"Funny how you and Clem have the same excuse for being late," he states, taking a deep look into his best friend's eyes.

Mr. Walt makes his rounds again, forcing the group to focus on the classwork. Violet has been quiet this entire time, making Clementine uneasy. She doesn't talk much, but she always seems sassy around her friends. Clementine wonders what's making the blonde mute.

She's not the only one who takes note of Violet's silence. "Vi. You okay?" Marlon asks, concern in his voice. She looks up from her workbook, flustered. Now that the three are looking at her, they can see the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes. She looks exhausted.

"Yeah. Just had trouble sleeping last night," she answers, though she doesn't sound very convincing. They decide not to press her any further, hoping to complete the assignment before the end of class.

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