Extra Chapter 4/4

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Kingston's POV

After my talk with Meg I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I feel fresh. Her and I have talked every single day since then. When I told my moms about it they were so happy, but earlier I heard them arguing about me saying that I would want to go back to them and it hurt. I understand though and I'm not gonna let that effect me. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.


"Hey! I'm bored. Mams are at work."

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I actually just got a text back from Taylor. She's gonna pick me up in ten."

"You still talk to Taylor? That's so cool! I haven't talked to anyone really."

"Aw that sucks."

"Yea-Kingston I have to go, My mom is here to see her grandkids."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye, have fun."


"I really missed her, she is talking to me now and she looks happier." I told Taylor.

"Baby, that's so good."

"Yeah, remember Jade and Perrie? From Little Mix?"

She nodded

"Well, they are my moms now and they were fighting, they think I'm going to want to go back to my m-Meg's house and live with her again."

"They're just use to you not wanting to speak about her. You're spending more time with her, so they're getting jealous, I would spend more time with them."

"You're right, okay enough about me. How are you?"

"I'm great actually! Harry, Darcy and I are going to my mom's house next week."

"Mama Swift? Sounds fun!"


I knocked on a door that was all familiar.

"Meg, someone's at the door!" I heard someone shout from inside.

Meg opened the door and her eyes were wide.

"KINGSTON! What are you doing here? I-I thought you were with Taylor?"

"She dropped me off, I really wanted to see you, Milo, and the twins."

She smiled and gave me a tight hug.

"Babe? Whose at the do-oh my gosh." Milo asked.

He froze in shock, a tear rolling down his face. He smiled and pulled me and Meg into a hug. This moment was something I really wanted. Either having them as parents or friends, just not enemies.

I got so caught up in the hug that I didn't notice the multiple tears running down my face.

"It's okay, baby, you'll always be mama's little girl."

I let go of Milo and jumped into Meg's arms. No matter what she will always be by mom. I'm grateful to say that we're on good terms.

I will always be mama's little girl and that will never change.

A/N that's it, sorry I didn't update this sooner I was on my other account jocelynswift  (I write my non fanfics there)

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