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"jack! hurry your slow ass up!" daniel yelled through out his house. "it's not me! zach's making me wait!" jack called back. "not true! brat!" zach's voice was heard directly after.

daniel, jack and zach have grown up together, their parents were best friends in high school so naturally, their kids were best friends.

this summer, before the boys went into senior year, the three families were going on a vacation to santa monica. jack and zach had spent the night at daniels, the three doing last minute things together before they would leave.

now, daniel was downstairs, ready to go, his brothers helping his parents load the car while anna was with jack's family, riding to the airport with sydnie and ava.

jack and zach finally emerged and trudged their suitcases downstairs. "finally. chris and tyler are helping my parents and we need your bags." daniel told them.

the three exited the mansion. yes, mansion, the seavey family is incredibly wealthy. daniel looked the door and made his way to the car.

the car ride was.. entertaining. by that i mean, the boys rapped baby by justin bieber and other old classics. there were several moments that tyler wanted to yell at them to shut up, but he knew that their mother would get mad.

they arrived at the airport and grabbed their luggage from the trunk before heading inside to meet the others. "alright, zach, jack, daniel, you three are sitting together. anna, ava, sydnie you girls are seated together, ryan, you're with reese and isla. dads are together and moms are together." myta instructed.

"ai ai captain!" zach joked with her. "very funny zachary." "oh dang she did that." jack teased. daniel smacked the boy on his head lightly, a joking manner. yet it resulted in the two play-fighting each other. "that's enough boys! let's go!" kristin breathed out.

"sorry mom." jack said, trying to hold in his laughter. the group started migrating through the airport, arriving at their gate. "i'm so hungry." zach whined. "mom we're getting food!" he said before grabbing jack and daniel's arms and bringing them with him.

they went to the airport café down the hall from their gate. they had lots of time, the flight didn't board for an hour. the boys ordered a large plate of fries to share between the three of them, and a cheeseburger for each. "holy shit this is so good!" jack exclaimed once he took a bite.

"this is like the best cheeseburger i've ever had!" daniel and zach nodded in agreement. "alright, on this trip. we need to find some cute boys to fling with." daniel proposed. "oh definitely." jack agreed.

zach stayed quiet, as he nodded lightly. "i need a hottie for the summer man." jack smirked. zach's heart began to sink. he had known for a year now, that he likes jack, and the hardest part is knowing the fact that jack wouldn't like him.

"zach you okay?" daniel asked. "huh? oh- yeah. sorry, just zoned out." zach played off. daniel seemed to buy it for now, as he nodded and continued eating his burger.

they went back to their gate around fifteen minutes later. perfect timing since their flight was boarding early. the three made their way to their seats, zach took window, jack in middle with daniel on the end.

"when the plane takes off can i use you as a pillow?" zach asked jack. "everytime you ask, what is my answer?" "yes?" "correct!" jack laughed.

their flight was around four hours, zach had fallen asleep immediately. "alright daniel, what kind of mans are you looking for?" jack asked.

"cute. blond. older than me." jack chuckled, "specific. we'll see what we can do." "what about you?" daniel asked him. "hm, i'm not sure. whoever looks hot enough for me."

daniel leaned over to take a glimpse at zach. "you know... zach looks pretty cute..." he suggested. daniel was the only one who knew zach liked jack. "i mean i guess.. but like zach's my best friend." jack shrugged, gently to make sure he wouldn't wake the boy.

"who knows, maybe your summer boy will be zach?" "no. no way." "why not?" daniel inquired. "because... if i was with him for the summer, what would happen for the school year? he's my best friend, it'll be too awkward."

"alright... but just so you know... you guys would be so cute together." jack blushed slightly. although he would never admit it out loud, he did always have a tiny thing for the boy. there was just something about zach that made his heart skip a bit.

but, again, he would never admit to that. too proud of his reputation as the fuckboy. screwed half the boys in their school. even some who were straight were in to doing it with him.

there was a rumor circling around last year that jack had even did it with the grade eleven science teacher, mr. harwick. jack never denied any of these rumors. he didn't care, he actually felt good about himself for it. i know, weird kid. he takes pride in the fact that a bunch of people want to screw him.

but deep down, jack knew he felt something for zach, now maybe it was nothing, or maybe he just wanted to screw him; but maybe, just maybe, it was something more.

A SUMMER FLING ❤︎ WHY DONT WEWhere stories live. Discover now