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"as you wish darling." jack told him, he removed his hand from zach's cock and brought it up to his mouth. "suck on them for me darling," "w-why?" "just trust me. it's to help you."

zach complied and took jack's fingers in his mouth. "are you sure you want me to go fast? it's your first time, i think you'd want it a little slow."

"i want you. whatever that is for you, i want it." zach mumbled as he continued to suck on the fingers. "god you're adorable." jack said as he kissed zach's neck.

he pulled his fingers out and positioned himself to hover over him again. jack placed his hand at zach's hole, waiting for intruction on when to go. "please do something." zach pleaded.

so jack began to push one finger in and zach immediately gasped. "don't worry darling, just breathe. it'll feel good i promise." zach did as he said and took deep breaths as jack pushed his finger in more.

"how are you feeling?" "i'm okay. just please..." "i'll get to it darling, but i want to make sure you're okay first." "i'm fine."

"just trust me darling, i want to make this good for you, trust me this will make it feel better." jack said calmly as he began to add a second finger. "oh my god!" zach gasped as he felt himself stretch.

"just breathe darling, you'll be okay. i promise. i won't hurt you. if it hurts just tell me." "okay." zach whispered as he tried to calm his breathing. he reached his hand up and gripped onto jack's arm as he closed his eyes.

jack slowly moved his fingers in and out as zach let out soft noises. he slowly went faster, not meaning to push the boy too much. he twisted his fingers and scissored them to hopefully open him wider.

jack adddd a third finger and earned a pleasant moan from the boy. "breathe for me darling, breathe." jack reminded him.

he moved them in and out until he believed that it was enough. he then stripped of his clothes, grabbing a condom from his drawer and pulling it on. pumping his own dick a few times before lining himself up. "are you sure about this zach.. we can stop here if you don't feel up to it."

"don't you dare stop this. please, i want you." zach begged. "alright.." jack leaned down and began kissing zach to distract him as he pushed himself in.

zach instantly moaned into the kiss, gripping the bed covers. "jack.. it-it.. jack it h-hurts." "do you want me to stop?" "no. no it just.. it hurts." zach let a few tear escape his eye.

"just hold on baby. it'll feel better. i promise it'll feel good soon. just hold on for me okay?" "okay." zach whispered in reply.

jack continued pushing himself in, very slowly in fear of hurting the boy. soon enough he was fully in, waiting a moment for zach to adjust.

"just tell me when darling." he whispered. "g-go." zach inhaled deeply. "breathe for me darling. relax. you're okay. if you need something don't be afraid to tell me."

zach nodded and jack began to slowly pull himself out, before slowly pushing back in. he repeated his action several times and zach slowly warmed to the feeling.

the pain he was feeling slowly began to turn into pleasure. jack carefully started to pick up some speed, he held zach's hand as he moved in and out.

"f-faster." "are you sure?" "yes. please." jack nodded lightly, picking his pace up more. not by a lot, but just a bit to the point where it was noticable that he did.

"j-jack.." zach breathed out. "are you okay? do you need me to stop?" "n-no.. no. please keep going. oh.. i-it feels good," he sighed. "jack go faster."

so he did. jack listened to every request that zach had, desperate to make the boys first time perfect. he wanted this to be everything zach wanted.

"ugh.. jack, yes!" zach moaned as he grew more and more comfortable. "j-jack.. i- j-jack. jack i.." "yes baby? what's wrong? does it hurt?"

"stop." jack stopped immediately, paused every possible action, "what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. terrified that he hurt the boy. "i just.. t-there's a weird feeling... in my stomach."

"you're close. baby you're okay. it just means that you're close to your orgasm. it's nothing to be afraid of. if you don't want to cum, i'll stop here."

"n-no. p-please keep g-going." "okay," jack whispered before picking up his movements again.

he continued to thrust into the boy, gently yet quickly. exactly what zach wanted. zach was loving it. obsessed with the incredible feeling he was being given.

the feeling in his stomach grew more and more until he couldn't hold anything back, white substance leaking from zach's tip. as zach caught his breath, he asked, "u-uhm.. jack? w-was that..?" he was referring to the substance that had come from him.

"yes, darling. you came. it's okay.. it's meant to happen." jack told him, kissing his lips sweetly.

"did you? i-i-i mean have you.. yet?" "no, i haven't. but if you don't want me to, i won't." "w-what do you mean don't want you to?"

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