Chapter 24 - Delilah

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I walk through the corridors with Zack in my arms, searching for the break room that Nate directed me to go to. There are enough passages and connecting hallways that I get lost in and eventually have to ask a beefy man in uniform for directions.

"You Mr. Hunter's girl?" He'd grunted.

It felt weird to acknowledge out loud. It still struck me when I realized that Nate and I were in a relationship and that I actually got to call him mine. Even though it took us a long time to get here, it still felt like it had happened so suddenly. I was on cloud nine and these days and it was all because of the handsome boxer/stripper that made me smile and laugh more than I've ever done in my life.

Realizing I zoned out and probably had a dreamy look on my face, I felt my face flush and quickly nodded my head in confirmation. The security guard led me to a door that I had somehow passed twice without noticing and I thanked him before going inside.

The room was a large and spacious area that was clearly meant for the boxers to take refuge in. There was a bathroom, a couple of couches, a T.V. mounted to the wall, a centre table, and even a vending machine just off to the side. There was also a large counter on one end of the room that had a water cooler on it right next to the sink and fridge. I was pleasantly surprised at how clean and inviting the room seemed especially since Zack and I would be here for a while.

I'd been feeding him for only a few minutes when I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I call out, already grabbing a slip to cover myself.

"It's us." I hear Emily and Avery's voices reply.

"Come in."

The two step inside and close the door behind them. I let the slip fall away, not concerned that they're getting an eyeful of my boobs. They'd seen them enough times that I'm no longer self-conscious.

"He's getting so big!" Avery squeals and sits next to me, staring down at Zack.

"I can't get over how beautiful he is, Del." Emily sits on my other side and strokes the hair on his head.

I look down at my son with a huge smile. The pride is evident in my voice when I say, "Me neither."

"I'm so glad he looks like your clone and nothing like his sperm donor." Avery scrunches up her nose. I shake my head with a barely contained smile on my face.

"It's not like Chris wasn't handsome."

"No, he was definitely cute. And really tall too. I can see why you went for him. He just turned out to be a total jerk-off, is what I mean."

I shrug. "It happened for the best. I wouldn't have Zack without him so I can't be entirely hateful. I could just care less about him."

"Especially now that you have Nate." She waggles her brows and I feel my cheeks grow warm. "I can't believe you guys are finally together! Cameron and I have been waiting for this for way too long."

"I'm glad your wishes came true." I deadpan.

Emily laughs and nudges me with her elbow. "How's life with our own personal knight in shining armour going?"

"Unbelievable." I answer honestly. "Because it's seriously so hard to believe how amazing he is. I spent my whole life convinced that all men are selfish and rude and do more harm than good. I genuinely thought Nate was faking his goodness the first time I met him but I was so wrong. He's...everything, you guys. He makes me so ridiculously happy and he always puts me first, which is unheard of in the life I've lived. I never question my worth when I'm around him because I know how he sees me and I know how he genuinely believes in the person I am. I just can't believe how lucky I am that he chose me of all people to share his life with."

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