interview with shawn

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[skip to 2 april 2020]

interviewer: we have someone very special here with us! shawn mendes is our guest today! thank you for coming

shawn: of course, thank you guys

interviewer: so shawn, how have you been?

shawn: good, actually. thanks for asking haha

interviewer: last month we had ellie in the studio with us and we talked about where she's headed with her music so it's only fair we talk about yours. how's everything going with that?

shawn: oh, amazing! the last few songs i've worked on are quite emotional and sentimental honestly and i'm not sure if i'll ever release them because i feel they would make me vulnerable and make me seem weak and that's not typically how i work. but to me, this job is all about being real and being raw and putting myself out there so who knows, maybe some emotional songs in the future.

interviewer: yes, yes. i'm sure you've heard ellie's new song "tears of gold" by now. what are your thoughts on that?

shawn: of course i've heard it, who hasn't? i think it's a very beautiful song and she did an amazing job on it and i hope to hear more from her in the future.

interviewer: when ellie was here, she mentioned that she felt empty since the loss of the child you shared together but she couldn't speak for you so we'd like to get your answer on that?

shawn: this is a very sensitive topic for me so please forgive me if i get choked up. yes, after the loss of sebastien i felt empty and i still do, i think i will forever. losing a child is never easy but unfortunately it's a real thing that people go through. i hate that ellie had to be put through that, i was there firsthand to see what it did to her. it completely destroyed her and she was never the same ellie after that. she was so excited to be a mother and to see that ripped right from her and us broke my heart but i know in the future she'll make an amazing mother and her future children will be very lucky.

interviewer: you seem happy with claudia, how long have you two been together?

shawn: a little over a year, a few days over actually. she's great, she really is.

interviewer: do you plan on taking things a step further with her? like marriage or even kids?

shawn: we haven't talked about it, but maybe one time. um we both agreed that our relationship is fine where it is and i think marriage or babies isn't the best decision right now for many reasons that we'd like to keep to ourself. so as of right now, no.

interviewer: of course. you and ellie never disclosed the reason you broke up last year, was there a reason for that?

shawn: you know, being in a relationship for the public to see is not an easy thing and there's a lot of stuff that the public gets to see and hear but i feel that some things are best left private so that's what me and ellie decided to do. i'm not sure if the reason will ever be made public, it's something we've kept for just us to know the last year.

interviewer: do you still love ellie?

shawn: i will always love her, she was and is the mother of my child and claudia knows that as well as ellie.

interviewer: well, looks like that's time! we enjoyed having you and we hope to see you back soon! again, shawn mendes everyone!

shawn: thank you for having me!

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