Entry One

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They told me to keep a diary. I've never done that before.

Father always said I should. "It'll help you express your words and get a little off your chest" He said. But that was years ago. Besides, the other kids would have snooped, especially Aryll. She was always looking through my stuff. I pretended to be mad, but really I couldn't be. Loved her too much to make her cry, and when I did I felt horrible.

Wow. I got really off track there. Sorry. I guess father was right. A diary really does help me get stuff off my chest!

I'm supposed to be writing about champion stuff. I...really can't think of much about myself. I'm the least qualified. I only got in because I can wield the "Sword that Seals the Darkness," And it's pretty much just a normal sword. Apparently it's supposed to speak to me and glow and stuff. It hasn't done that yet. I haven't told anyone. I hadn't told them that it has either, though, so I'm not LYING...right? Maybe I'll tell Daruk when we reach Death Mountain.

We're traveling there now, Zelda and I. I'm her appointed swordsman. I have to follow her everywhere and protect her. I like the job. I get to explore, and we usually don't run into much trouble.

Except for when she yells at me. She...hates me. I'm not sure why. She likes to yell at me and ask if I think I'm better than everybody else because of the sword. I don't really mind, but this whole "Defeat Ganon" job will be a lot harder if she can't go a day without expressing her never dying hatred for me. Oh. She's getting up and stretching. It's dawn. Time to keep walking. Zelda doesn't have a great connection with her horse, so we walk. Everywhere.

Well, this is Link, signing out.

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