Chapter 2

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Oki doki i decided i would just publish these two together because like- it would be confusing if no one showed up yet in the tagS-

Anyways... Hope you enjoy!!

haha see what i did there????? yeah no one laughed at that i'm really not that funny
I don't own danganronpa or these characters lol

-Chihiro's POV-

"Is she alive? We need to get Mikan!"

"Don't worry, Hajime! With my luck, I'm sure she's still alive!"

"I'm pretty sure luck doesn't work like that..."

I was slowly regaining consciousness, woken up by two teenage boys chattering about 'Someone being alive'.... I opened my eyes a crack, just to shut them again as bright sunlight tried to kill my eyes. I had a splitting headache and couldn't remember anything from... right around the past night. I tried to open my eyes again..

"She's awake!"

"I told you, Hajime!"

I squinted at the air, seeing two teenage boys standing above me. One was tall and skinny with fluffy white hair and a dark green jacket. The other was slightly shorter, with messy brown hair, a white suit, and a green tie with some sort of pattern on it. He had an ahoge that extended his height slightly.

"Can you walk?" The ahoge boy said, a concerned tone in his voice.

"I- I think so..."

The fluffy-haired one took his hands out of his pockets and offered to help me up. Tentatively, I took his hand and stood up. I instantly got a head rush and collapsed right into his jacket, letting out an 'Aa!!' in the process.

"Woah, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.."

I instinctively put my hand to my forehead, then pulled it back in shock. I stared at my palm, and it was coated with hot-pink blood.


Ahoge-boy looked over, panicked.

"W-what's wrong? Is she alright?"

"She just noticed that her head was split open. We gotta take her over to Mikan before it gets worse."

"Weren't we just going to do that, Nagito?"

"Yeah, I guess so.."

The two boys supported me on the way to this 'Mikan' person.

Ahoge-boy turned to me.

"So.... what's your name?"

"O-oh, I guess I forgot to introduce myself!" I'm Chihiro Fujisaki!"

"I'm Hajime Hinata, and the guy with the green jacket over there is Nagito Komaeda."

They both grinned at me.

"Nice to meet you both."

I attempted a smile despite the pain in my head.

"What's your Ultimate Talent? I really want to know, you didn't show up when I researched who was attending here.. Just like Hajime over here!"

"Hey! I told you a million times that I have a talent, I just can't remember it! I-if that's what you're even implying.."

Nagito seemed really interested in everyone's talents..

"These people must also be from Hope's Peak Academy!" I thought to myself before I noticed both boys staring at me, awaiting a response. I hastily spoke.

"I-I'm the Ultimate Programmer."

Nagito looked at me with awe in his eyes.

"Wow, that's such a cool talent! I wish I could have something like that... Unfortunately, I'm the Ultimate Luckster. It's such a useless talent... It makes me feel so inferior talking to all the other Ultimates on this island."

I look at him.

"Don't put yourself down like that! Being lucky is an amazing talent!! I knew a lucky guy once.."

I trailed off.

Nagito stared at me in shock.

"Y-you really mean that? Wow, you're so nice! No one's ever been this nice to me before..."

Jeez, what has this guy gone through in life?
Just then, Hajime spoke up, making me lose my train of thought.

"Chihiro's right! Your talent isn't worthless, and if you think so, you're wrong! All talents are talents, no matter what they are!"

Nagito looked confused and stayed silent. Guess there's no helping this guy...

"Hey, we're here!"


We were in front of a small white cottage, with a sign that said "Mikan Tsumiki." Hajime told me to 'Sit down for a second! You need to rest..' and I obliged. Nagito sat down beside me while Hajime knocked on the door to Mikan's cottage.

"U-u-um, h-hello? W-who's there?"

-End of chapter 2-
Well, this took long enough to write lmao
Chihiro is baby
Just clarifying I hate Mikan and like Hiyoko but I'm gonna try to write Mikan in a positive light bc Chihiro-
>~< I swear if I get artists block one more time and can't finish this story's thumbnail someone's gonna die
Anyways guys, hope you enjoyed!!
-Your average everyday komaeda fangirl-

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