Chapter 10

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Kei helps Kageyama to sit up and hugs him, careful to not hurt him.

"Everything that has happened to you is their fault. They'll pay for that." He says.

"It's not all their fault... I was horrible in middle school... I got a bit of control in my life and let it consume me."

"That only happened because they didn't let you have any control. You also weren't treated nicely by Oikawa. But it was also your teammates' fault for not trying to stop you. It shouldn't have taken them abandoning you on the court to get it through your head. I mean, how long have you been cutting yourself? Obviously, you weren't in the right mind. Turnip head and the other one, they are just as much at fault as you are. They were your friends, they let it happen." Tsukishima says and Kageyama softly smiles.

"Thanks... y'know... for everything... for saying that, for convincing me to come here, for kissing me. Thank you for saving me....." He says looking at Kei who is shocked but also finding himself falling more in love with the boy.

"I couldn't just let you die. I actually care even if it doesn't show." He says and pets the boy's head. Kageyama closes his eyes and presses into the touch. Something he never received but apparently greatly craved. Kei was just happy to see the smile on the younger boy's face.

"You didn't deserve anything that happened to you... And I'm sorry it did."

"I was just unlucky.... don't feel bad for me... you have no reason to apologize for it. You weren't the who was abusing me." Kageyama says and opens his eyes to look at Kei. Kei still oddly felt responsible.... had he made Tobio go to the police the day he found out, he wouldn't have been raped again, multiple times. He wouldn't be in the state he is in.

The door opens.

"I brought you a cookie. It's not much but it's something. Please eat." The officer says and Tobio takes the cookie that was offered to him.

"Thank you." He says quietly and bows his head. The officer smiles and turns to leave.

"Your family will be here soon with a change of clothes for Kageyama-kun." He says before leaving.

"You sure your family will want me back after I left...?"

"Of course. My mother loves you and so does my brother. My father is coming home soon but I'm sure he'll like you too. It'll be fine. You're welcomed anytime. We won't tell the others you live with me, just like we haven't so far. You'll leave the house at an ungodly hour to practice with Shrimpy and I'll head home with Yamaguchi for you to show up when you're done practicing with Shrimpy. I can pick you up if you want. We can meet at the convenience store at the corner where you would usually turn to go to your house." Kageyama blushes but nods.

"I would like that." He says and Kei smiles. The door opens and the two pull away from each other quickly.

"Ah! Tobio-kun! I'm so glad you're alright!!" Hotaru says as she enters the room with Akiteru.

"Yeah! We were worried when you just left and Kei said he hadn't seen you at school." Akiteru says holding a bag the Kei presumes are his clothes for Kageyama to change into.

".... I am very sorry about that... I kinda panicked and ran....." Tobio says and Hotaru smiles softly.

"It's fine, we were just worried. You're okay now, you can stay with us." She says and Akiteru hands him the bag.

"Here you go! They're Kei's clothes but they should fit." He says and Kageyama nods.

"Thank you."

"We'll be out in a minute, I have to help him change," Kei says and his family takes the hint and leaves.

"I'll let you slide the underwear on as much as you can and help you stand so we can pull it up all the way. Luckily they brought baggy shorts too so that should make it easier as well." Kei says as he looks through the clothes. There was a pair of sandals as well. His brother was even thoughtful enough to pack a long sleeve shirt for Kageyama. He hands Kageyama the underwear and shorts, letting him slide them as far up his legs he can get while sitting. Kei then wraps the setter's arms around his neck before he grabs the hem of the underwear and shorts. He lifts Kageyama to stand and pulls them up gently but quickly so he could sit him back down. He then lifts the hospital gown off and helps Kageyama into the black long sleeve shirt. Once he was, Kei puts the sandals on him and helps him stand, seeing if Tobio would be able to walk. Still a no as he falls into Tsukishima to catch him. Kei just gives him a piggyback like before and they head out to the lobby where the other two awaited them.

'That's cute.' Both the older Tsukishimas thought.

"We'll be contacted when they need to speak to To-kun."

"Let's go home, for now, I'm sure you're both tired and hungry," Hotaru says and they all head to the car, getting in after making sure Kageyama was comfortable in the backseat. Kei sits beside him and lets the tired boy lay against him. Tobio ends up falling asleep and Kei holds his hand, glad that it was too dark for his family in the front seats to see.

"Kei, can we ask how you got Tobio? He's been out of our care for two weeks and you said you haven't seen him at school... How did you manage to get him without his parents finding out?" His mother asks.

"His parents don't want him failing school so I used his worksheets to get him to sneak out and meet me. I'm just surprised it worked."

"I'm glad it did... Poor boy... he's had to suffer so much..." Hotaru says as she pulls up to the house. Kei wakes Kageyama and helps him out of the car. Now able to stand with some help, he walks into the house with Kei's help.

"I'll make you some soup to eat before you go to bed," Hotaru says.

"Thank you..." Kageyama says rubbing his eyes as Kei helps him over to the couch. Akiteru hands him strawberry milk and Kageyama happily accepts it, a smile on his face as he drinks. Kei rolls his eyes and shakes his head seeing such joy from receiving milk, remembering when Tobio told him why he came to like strawberry milk. He still thinks it's cute and so is watching how happily Tobio drinks. He is seated beside the tired boy and his mother brings a bowl of miso soup out. Kageyama thanks her and takes the bowl carefully before setting it on the coffee table. He leans over it to eat so he wouldn't spill it. Kei was going to rub his back but decided it was better if he didn't.

When the soup was finished, Kei helps Tobio upstairs to his room. He helps the boy lay down and tucked him in.

"We'll have to get antibiotics, so, we'll have to go to a doctor," Kei says and Tobio nods.

"I know... I'm okay with that." He says and Kei strokes his hair. Kageyama presses his head into the blond's hand.

"Do you think it would hurt if I tried to squeeze in with you? And be honest." Kei says and Tobio shrugs.

"Probably but come squeeze in anyway. I can handle it if it's you." He says and Kei honestly wonders if Kageyama thinks before he says these things. Maybe Akiteru corrupted him.

"You better not complain in the morning." He says and climbs in after turning the light off.

"If it hurts, you'll kiss me right?" Tobio asks looking up at the older boy.

"Yeah yeah, just go to sleep, we still have to catch you up on everything you've missed. You've been passing but with missing two weeks, you'll be failing again." Kei says and turns so his back faces Kageyama pouts a bit but lets it go as he falls asleep.

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