a whole new world

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W: qrow you idiot! What if th...

Q: I tend to not live by what if's, and why, would you care if  I died just then?

Winter starts to fumble her fingers, then comes out upfront

W: I wouldn't want something like that on my record, it wouldn't be the best if I just let one of vales best hunters to kill himself while I did nothing

Q: then why did you follow me? Now both of us are stuck her

W: what do you mean?

Winter looks back at the portal it was now shrunk and too small to function, so they were, seemingly, stuck.

W: shit

Q: what are we going to do?

Winter seemed quite taken aback by this inquiry, qrow noticed

Q: what's up?

W: nothing, just . Your asking me what we should do, and not storming off by yourself.

Q: well you seemed pretty concerned when I went through the portal, so I assumed that you wouldn't want me leaving without notice again, in case something happened to me. You were concerned, right?

Winter replied rather gloatingly: of course not, as I said before it's purely professional.

Q: oh I get it your afraid of being left alone here.

W: uuuurrrhhh, come on qrow let's see if we can find anyone else who may live here.

With that qrow turned into his bird mode, startling winter, and causing her to shreek out in suprise. She then conducted herself and started to follow the small black bird.

After a few minutes of walking through the rocky basin clearing near the ocean and the dense forest, qrow returned to the ground and gave winter the run down on his birds eye view.

Q: ok,  the forest goes north for about a mile and a half but about half a mile east is a rather large settlement made of boats, it's probably best we head to it, and even if we're not welcome we just fight our way out.

W: great plan qrow, I honestly couldn't of deducted that myself, you truly are a great huntsman.
Winter said sarcastically

Q: thanks.
Qrow stated, dissmising winters sarcasm, and makeing her rather anoyed

The two of them headed out east, unsheathing their weapons and carrying them at their sides, in case something happened. They however didn't expect what happened next

Qrow walked up to a flock of revoltures, analysing the scavenger birds as they peck away at a decaying carcass of some type of herbivore (aptonoth) while winter tries not to gag, qrow noticed, and pulled out a barf bag, which he always had on him for any drunk evacuation's. But this time he handed it to winter, she took it greatfully, but placed it in her pocket for later

W: can we go before I actually need that bag

Qrow stands up again and continued onwards. Soon they saw a human figure up ahead, winter stepped ahead, and held qrow back with the back of her arm, qrow halted and winter went up to the person.

W: hello?

The person turns around, she was female, young, with a light tan, on her head was some sort of green feathered hood with lenses in them, she wore a ghilli suit vest covered in leaves over her torso,  and round her waist was an array of pouchese

Elr ( endemic life researcher):
Woaaa, Who are you? Iv never seen you before.

Q: I'm qrow, she's winter, were hunters from the world of remnant, we arrived here In some magic portal over their, and we've been looking for civilization.

Snowbird in the new world ( rwby /monster hunter world)Where stories live. Discover now